Which king of Gujarat is compared to the emperor Ashoka?

Siddharaj Jai Singh

The correct answer is A. Siddharaj Jai Singh.

Siddharaj Jai Singh was the most powerful and successful ruler of the Chaulukya dynasty of Gujarat. He was a great warrior and a wise administrator. He is often compared to the emperor Ashoka for his military prowess and his contributions to the welfare of his subjects.

Siddharaj Jai Singh was born in 1093 AD. He ascended the throne of Gujarat in 1114 AD at the age of 21. He ruled for 25 years until his death in 1140 AD.

Siddharaj Jai Singh was a great warrior. He led many successful campaigns against the neighboring kingdoms. He defeated the Chalukyas of Kalyani, the Yadavas of Devagiri, and the Paramaras of Malwa. He also extended his kingdom to the north, up to the Narmada River.

Siddharaj Jai Singh was also a wise administrator. He built many temples, tanks, and wells. He also patronized the arts and literature. He is credited with writing a treatise on statecraft called the “Prabandhachintamani”.

Siddharaj Jai Singh was a great ruler who left a lasting legacy on Gujarat. He is often compared to the emperor Ashoka for his military prowess and his contributions to the welfare of his subjects.

A. Siddharaj Jai Singh was the most powerful and successful ruler of the Chaulukya dynasty of Gujarat. He was a great warrior and a wise administrator. He is often compared to the emperor Ashoka for his military prowess and his contributions to the welfare of his subjects.

B. Karnadevane was a minor ruler of the Chaulukya dynasty of Gujarat. He was not as powerful or successful as Siddharaj Jai Singh.

C. Yograjana was a Jain monk who lived in the 12th century AD. He was not a ruler.

D. Kumarpal was the father of Siddharaj Jai Singh. He was a powerful ruler, but he was not as successful as his son.