Which of the following rules is known as the darkest period in the history of Jammu and Kashmir?

Sikh rule
Afghan rule
Mughal rule
Dogra rule

The correct answer is D. Dogra rule.

The Dogra rule is considered to be the darkest period in the history of Jammu and Kashmir because of the following reasons:

  • The Dogra rulers were extremely oppressive and tyrannical. They imposed heavy taxes on the people and treated them with great cruelty.
  • The Dogra rulers were also very corrupt. They embezzled public funds and used them for their own personal benefit.
  • The Dogra rulers were also very backward and superstitious. They did not allow any progress in the state and kept the people in a state of ignorance.
  • The Dogra rulers were also very intolerant of other religions. They persecuted the Muslims and other minorities in the state.

As a result of all these factors, the Dogra rule is considered to be the darkest period in the history of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Sikh rule was a relatively short period in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. It lasted from 1819 to 1846. The Sikhs were a warrior race and they brought peace and stability to the state. They also built many roads, bridges, and canals. However, they were not very tolerant of other religions and they persecuted the Muslims.

The Afghan rule was a long period in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. It lasted from 1752 to 1819. The Afghans were a very cruel and oppressive rulers. They imposed heavy taxes on the people and treated them with great cruelty. They also destroyed many temples and mosques.

The Mughal rule was a relatively long period in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. It lasted from 1586 to 1752. The Mughals were a very tolerant and enlightened rulers. They built many beautiful buildings and monuments in the state. They also promoted education and culture.