Pick up the correct statement from the following: A. Approximate geometric centre of the landing area, is called air port reference point B. The boundaries of horizontal surface and conical surface are marked with reference to air port reference point C. The location of the air port on a map is the position of air port reference point D. All the above

Approximate geometric centre of the landing area, is called air port reference point
The boundaries of horizontal surface and conical surface are marked with reference to air port reference point
The location of the air port on a map is the position of air port reference point
All the above

The correct answer is D. All the above.

The airport reference point (ARP) is the approximate geometric center of the landing area. It is used to mark the boundaries of the horizontal surface and conical surface, and to locate the airport on a map.

The horizontal surface is a flat surface that extends outward from the ARP in all directions. The conical surface is a cone-shaped surface that extends upward from the ARP. The boundaries of these surfaces are used to define the airspace around the airport.

The location of the airport on a map is determined by the position of the ARP. The ARP is marked on a map with a small circle. The center of the circle is the location of the ARP.

The ARP is an important reference point for air traffic control. It is used to track the position of aircraft and to ensure that they are flying safely.