The Himachal Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 mandates for Urban Local bodies ………. .

3 types of Standing Committee
4 types of Standing Committee
6 types of Standing Committee
None of the above

The correct answer is: A. 3 types of Standing Committee

The Himachal Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 mandates for Urban Local bodies 3 types of Standing Committees:

  1. Finance and Taxation Committee
  2. General Purposes Committee
  3. Public Health and Sanitation Committee

The Finance and Taxation Committee is responsible for the following matters:

  • To examine the budget estimates of the Municipal Corporation and to recommend to the Council such modifications as it may deem fit.
  • To consider the proposals for imposition, abolition, alteration or remission of taxes, fees and other charges levied by the Municipal Corporation.
  • To examine the accounts of the Municipal Corporation and to report to the Council thereon.

The General Purposes Committee is responsible for the following matters:

  • To consider the proposals for the construction, maintenance and repair of roads, bridges, drains, parks, playgrounds and other public works.
  • To consider the proposals for the provision of water supply, sanitation, lighting and other public services.
  • To consider the proposals for the promotion of education, health, recreation and other social welfare activities.

The Public Health and Sanitation Committee is responsible for the following matters:

  • To inspect and report on the sanitary condition of the city.
  • To take measures for the prevention of epidemic diseases.
  • To provide for the collection and disposal of garbage and other waste.
  • To provide for the supply of safe drinking water.

The Standing Committees are constituted by the Council from amongst its members. The Chairperson of each Standing Committee is elected by the members of the Committee from amongst themselves. The Standing Committees are responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Municipal Corporation.