Pick up the correct statement from the following: A. The ratio of the quantity of the diluting water to that of the sewage, is known as dilution factor B. The automatic purification of polluted water, is known self purification phenomenon C. The photosynthesis is carried out in the presence of sun light D. All the above

The ratio of the quantity of the diluting water to that of the sewage, is known as dilution factor
The automatic purification of polluted water, is known self purification phenomenon
The photosynthesis is carried out in the presence of sun light
All the above

The correct answer is D. All the above.

A dilution factor is the ratio of the quantity of the diluting water to that of the sewage. It is used to determine the amount of sewage that can be safely discharged into a body of water without causing pollution.

Self-purification is the process by which a body of water can naturally clean itself of pollutants. This process is carried out by a variety of organisms, including bacteria, algae, and plants.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This process is essential for the production of oxygen in the atmosphere.

All of these processes are important for the maintenance of a healthy environment.