Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: A. Manholes are provided in sewer pipes at suitable intervals B. Catch basins are generally provided in sewers for carrying drainage discharge C. Inlets are generally provided in all sewers D. None of these

Manholes are provided in sewer pipes at suitable intervals
Catch basins are generally provided in sewers for carrying drainage discharge
Inlets are generally provided in all sewers
None of these

The correct answer is C. Inlets are not generally provided in all sewers. Inlets are only provided in sewers that collect surface runoff, such as storm sewers. Sewers that collect wastewater from homes and businesses, such as sanitary sewers, do not have inlets.

Manholes are provided in sewer pipes at suitable intervals to allow access for inspection and maintenance. Catch basins are generally provided in sewers for carrying drainage discharge from streets and other paved areas.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.