The sewer which transports the sewage to the point of treatment, is called A. House sewer B. Out-fall sewer C. Branch sewer D. Main sewer

House sewer
Out-fall sewer
Branch sewer
Main sewer

The correct answer is: B. Outfall sewer

An outfall sewer is a sewer that transports sewage from a treatment plant to a receiving water body, such as a river, lake, or ocean. It is the final stage in the sewage treatment process, and its purpose is to ensure that the sewage is discharged into the environment in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

A house sewer is a sewer that connects a building to the main sewer line. It is typically located underground and is made of PVC, cast iron, or concrete.

A branch sewer is a sewer that connects a house sewer to the main sewer line. It is typically located underground and is made of PVC, cast iron, or concrete.

A main sewer is a sewer that collects sewage from all of the branch sewers in a neighborhood or community. It is typically located underground and is made of PVC, cast iron, or concrete.