The majority of livestock in Telangana is reared by:

Small and marginal farmers
Large commercial farms
Landless laborers
Nomadic herders

The correct answer is A) Small and marginal farmers.

Small and marginal farmers are the main livestock rearers in Telangana. They own about 70% of the livestock in the state. The main reason for this is that small and marginal farmers have access to land and water, which are essential for livestock rearing. They also have the knowledge and skills required to rear livestock.

Large commercial farms also rear livestock, but they account for a smaller proportion of the total livestock population. This is because large commercial farms are more focused on crop production than livestock rearing.

Landless laborers do not own land or water, so they are not able to rear livestock on their own. However, they may work on small and marginal farms that rear livestock. They may also rear livestock on a small scale on their own, but this is not common.

Nomadic herders are a small group of people who rear livestock and move from place to place in search of grazing land. They are not a significant source of livestock in Telangana.

In conclusion, the majority of livestock in Telangana is reared by small and marginal farmers. This is because they have access to land and water, which are essential for livestock rearing. They also have the knowledge and skills required to rear livestock.