Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with Panchayat Raj institutions?

Article 243
Article 370
Article 19
Article 356

Article 243 of the Indian Constitution deals with Panchayat Raj institutions. It provides for the establishment of three-tier Panchayat Raj institutions at the village, intermediate and district levels. The institutions are to be elected by the people and are responsible for local self-government.

Article 370 is a special provision in the Indian Constitution that grants special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It allows the state to have its own constitution, flag and a separate set of laws.

Article 19 is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. It guarantees the right to freedom of speech, expression, assembly, association, movement, residence and profession.

Article 356 is a provision in the Indian Constitution that allows the President to suspend the Constitution of a state and impose President’s rule. It is used in cases where the state government is unable to function or is not in a position to maintain law and order.

The correct answer is Article 243.