Peasant movements in Arunachal Pradesh, though limited, have sometimes revolved around:

Land rights
Access to credit and resources
Fair prices for agricultural produce
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above.

Peasant movements in Arunachal Pradesh, though limited, have sometimes revolved around land rights, access to credit and resources, and fair prices for agricultural produce.

  • Land rights are a major issue for peasants in Arunachal Pradesh. Many peasants do not have clear title to their land, which makes it difficult for them to obtain loans or other forms of credit. This can make it difficult for them to invest in their farms or to improve their livelihoods.
  • Access to credit and resources is another major issue for peasants in Arunachal Pradesh. Many peasants do not have access to formal credit markets, which means that they have to rely on informal sources of credit, such as moneylenders. This can be very expensive, and it can also lead to debt bondage. Peasants also often lack access to essential resources, such as water, seeds, and fertilizer. This can make it difficult for them to produce enough food to meet their own needs, let alone to sell any surplus.
  • Fair prices for agricultural produce is a third major issue for peasants in Arunachal Pradesh. Many peasants are paid very low prices for their produce, which makes it difficult for them to make a living from farming. This is due to a number of factors, including the fact that there are many middlemen involved in the marketing of agricultural produce, and the fact that the government does not provide adequate support to farmers.

Peasant movements in Arunachal Pradesh have been successful in raising awareness of these issues and in pressuring the government to take action. However, there is still much work to be done to address the problems faced by peasants in the state.