The Telangana dialect of Telugu is known for its:

Unique vocabulary and pronunciations
Influence from Urdu and Marathi
Archaic grammatical features
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

The Telangana dialect of Telugu is known for its unique vocabulary and pronunciations, as well as its influence from Urdu and Marathi. It also has some archaic grammatical features.

The Telangana dialect is spoken in the Telangana region of India, which is located in the southern part of the country. The dialect is characterized by its unique vocabulary and pronunciations, which are different from those of the standard Telugu language. The Telangana dialect is also influenced by Urdu and Marathi, which are two other languages that are spoken in the region.

The Telangana dialect has some archaic grammatical features that are not found in the standard Telugu language. These features include the use of the dative case for the indirect object, and the use of the past participle as an adjective.

The Telangana dialect is a vibrant and living language that is spoken by millions of people. It is a rich and complex language with its own unique features.