The use of technology like GIS and remote sensing plays a role in:

Hazard mapping
Disaster risk assessment
Early warning systems
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

GIS and remote sensing are two technologies that can be used to map and monitor hazards, assess disaster risk, and develop early warning systems.

  • Hazard mapping is the process of identifying and mapping areas that are at risk from natural or man-made hazards. GIS can be used to create hazard maps by overlaying data on factors such as geology, land use, and infrastructure. This information can be used to identify areas that are most vulnerable to hazards and to plan for mitigation measures.
  • Disaster risk assessment is the process of estimating the potential losses and impacts of a disaster. GIS can be used to assess disaster risk by combining data on hazards, exposure, and vulnerability. This information can be used to identify areas that are most at risk and to develop strategies for reducing risk.
  • Early warning systems are designed to provide timely and accurate information about an impending disaster so that people can take action to protect themselves. GIS and remote sensing can be used to develop early warning systems by monitoring hazards and tracking their movement. This information can be used to trigger alerts and to provide information about the best course of action to take.

The use of GIS and remote sensing in hazard mapping, disaster risk assessment, and early warning systems can help to save lives and reduce the impact of disasters.