Many folk dances of Andhra Pradesh are performed during festivals. Which festival is often celebrated with folk dances like Kolattam and Dhimsa?

All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above.

Sankranti, Ugadi, and Dasara are all major festivals celebrated in Andhra Pradesh. Each festival is associated with its own unique set of folk dances, including Kolattam and Dhimsa.

Kolattam is a folk dance performed by women in a circle. The dancers hold hands and move in a rhythmic pattern, often while singing and clapping. Kolattam is often performed during the harvest festival of Sankranti.

Dhimsa is a folk dance performed by men and women. The dancers move in a circle, often while holding swords or other weapons. Dhimsa is often performed during the festival of Dasara.

In addition to Kolattam and Dhimsa, there are many other folk dances that are performed in Andhra Pradesh. These dances often reflect the region’s rich cultural heritage.