Agriculture played a crucial role in the Harappan economy. Punjab was a significant center for the cultivation of:

Wheat and barley
Rice and millet
Maize and potatoes
Tea and coffee

The correct answer is: a) Wheat and barley.

Wheat and barley were the main crops grown in the Indus Valley Civilization. They were used to make bread, beer, and other food items. The Indus Valley people also grew other crops, such as rice, millet, and cotton.

Punjab is a region in South Asia that is located between the Indus River and the Sutlej River. It is a significant center for the cultivation of wheat and barley. The region has a long history of agriculture, and it is one of the most important agricultural regions in the world.

Rice and millet are also grown in Punjab, but they are not as important as wheat and barley. Maize and potatoes are not native to South Asia, and they were not grown in the Indus Valley Civilization. Tea and coffee are also not native to South Asia, and they were not grown in the Indus Valley Civilization.