Illegal or unregulated mining activities in Manipur pose a threat to:

The environment
Local livelihoods
Sustainable resource use
All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above.

Illegal or unregulated mining activities in Manipur pose a threat to the environment, local livelihoods, and sustainable resource use.

  • Environmental threats: Illegal mining can lead to deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution, and air pollution. It can also damage wildlife habitats and ecosystems.
  • Livelihood threats: Illegal mining can displace people from their homes and land, and it can lead to the loss of jobs and income. It can also increase crime and violence.
  • Sustainable resource use threats: Illegal mining can deplete natural resources, and it can make it difficult to manage resources sustainably. It can also lead to the loss of biodiversity.

In addition, illegal mining can have a negative impact on the health of people who live near mining sites. They may be exposed to dust, noise, and other pollutants. They may also be at risk of accidents and injuries.

Illegal mining is a serious problem in Manipur. It is important to take steps to address this problem and protect the environment, local livelihoods, and sustainable resource use.