The piece of a brick cut along the centre of width in such a way that its length is equal to that of full brick, is called A. Half brick B. Queen closer C. King closer D. Bevelled closer

Half brick
Queen closer
King closer
Bevelled closer

The correct answer is: A. Half brick

A half brick is a piece of a brick cut along the centre of width in such a way that its length is equal to that of full brick. It is used in bricklaying to create a variety of patterns and effects.

A queen closer is a brick that is cut diagonally from corner to corner. It is used to fill in the space between two full bricks at a corner.

A king closer is a brick that is cut diagonally from corner to corner and then cut in half lengthwise. It is used to fill in the space between two full bricks at a corner where the bricks are not aligned.

A bevelled closer is a brick that is cut at an angle on one side. It is used to create a curved or stepped effect in bricklaying.