This virus activated every Friday the 13th, affects both .EXE and .COM files and deletes any programs run on that day. What is the name of that virus?

I Love You

The correct answer is B. Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is a computer virus that was first discovered in 1987. It is a file infector that affects both .EXE and .COM files. The virus activates every Friday the 13th and deletes any programs run on that day. It also displays a message on the screen that says “Happy Friday the 13th!”.

Chernobyl is a computer virus that was first discovered in 1986. It is a boot sector virus that infects the Master Boot Record (MBR) of a hard drive. The virus causes the computer to crash when it is booted up.

Melissa is a computer worm that was first discovered in 1999. It is a mass-mailing worm that spreads through email. The worm attaches itself to email messages and sends itself to the first 50 people in the recipient’s address book.

I Love You is a computer virus that was first discovered in 2000. It is a macro virus that spreads through email. The virus attaches itself to email messages and opens a malicious web page when the email is opened. The web page then downloads the virus to the computer.

I hope this helps!