Choose the word which is different from the rest.

Semicircle E. Semitone

The answer is B. Semicolon.

A seminar is a meeting of people to discuss a particular topic. A semicolon is a punctuation mark used to separate two independent clauses. A semifinal is the second of two matches played to determine the winner of a tournament. A semicircle is half of a circle. A semitone is the smallest interval in Western music.

Semicolons are used to separate two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. They can also be used to separate items in a list that already contains commas.

Semifinals are played to determine the two teams that will advance to the final round of a tournament.

Semicircles are half of a circle. They can be found in many different shapes, such as arches, windows, and swimming pools.

Semitones are the smallest intervals in Western music. They are half the size of a whole tone.

In the given options, all the words except semicolon are related to the concept of “half”. A seminar is a meeting of people to discuss a particular topic; a semifinal is the second of two matches played to determine the winner of a tournament; a semicircle is half of a circle; and a semitone is the smallest interval in Western music. A semicolon, on the other hand, is a punctuation mark used to separate two independent clauses.