What is full form of BOD?

Biological Oxygen Deficit
Biological Oxygen Difference
Biological Oxygen Demand
Biological Oxygen Distribution

The correct answer is: Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD).

BOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) that is used up by microorganisms in a given water sample during a specified time period (usually 5 days at 20 degrees Celsius). It is a measure of the organic pollution in water. The higher the BOD, the more organic pollutants are present in the water.

BOD is an important parameter in water quality assessment because it indicates the amount of oxygen that is available for fish and other aquatic organisms. If the BOD is too high, the water will become depleted of oxygen, and fish and other organisms will die.

BOD can be measured in the laboratory using a BOD test. The test involves incubating a water sample at 20 degrees Celsius for 5 days and measuring the amount of DO that is consumed. The BOD is then expressed in milligrams of oxygen per liter (mg/L).

BOD can also be estimated using a BOD calculator. The calculator takes into account the temperature, pH, and other factors that affect BOD.

BOD is an important parameter in water quality assessment and management. It is used to monitor the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants and to determine the impact of pollution on receiving waters.