“Zipping” a file means

Encrypting the message
Compressing the message
Transfer the message
All of the above E. None of these

The correct answer is B. Compressing the message.

Zipping a file is the process of compressing a file to make it smaller. This can be done by removing unnecessary data from the file, such as duplicate data or empty space. Zipping a file can make it easier to send or store the file, as it will take up less space.

Encrypting a file is the process of scrambling the data in a file so that it cannot be read without a password. This can be done to protect the privacy of the data in the file.

Transferring a file is the process of sending a file from one computer to another. This can be done over a network, such as the internet, or over a physical connection, such as a USB drive.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Compressing the message.