Conductance: mho ::

Resistance : ohm
Capacitance : Henry
Inductance : farad
lumen : steradian

The correct answer is A. Resistance: ohm.

Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance, and is measured in siemens (S), also known as mho (ohm spelled backwards). Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electric current, and is measured in ohms (Ω).

Capacitance is the ability to store an electric charge, and is measured in farads (F). Inductance is the ability to store energy in a magnetic field, and is measured in henrys (H). Lumen is a unit of luminous flux, and is measured in lumens (lm). Steradian is a unit of solid angle, and is measured in steradians (sr).

Here is a table that shows the units of measurement for each of the quantities mentioned above:

Quantity | Unit of measurement
——- | ——–
Conductance | siemens (S) or mho (ohm spelled backwards)
Resistance | ohms (Ω)
Capacitance | farads (F)
Inductance | henrys (H)
Luminous flux | lumens (lm)
Solid angle | steradians (sr)