Markets which deal with buying and selling of bonds, mortgages, notes and stocks are considered as

financial instruments
financial asset markets
physical asset markets
easy markets

The correct answer is A. financial instruments.

Financial instruments are assets that derive their value from other assets or from contractual rights. They include stocks, bonds, options, futures, and derivatives. Financial instruments are traded on financial markets, which are markets where buyers and sellers can meet to exchange financial assets.

Financial markets play an important role in the economy by providing a way for businesses and individuals to raise capital and by allowing investors to diversify their portfolios. Financial markets also help to price risk and to allocate capital efficiently.

B. financial asset markets is incorrect because financial asset markets are a subset of financial markets. Financial asset markets are markets where financial assets are traded. Financial assets include stocks, bonds, options, futures, and derivatives.

C. physical asset markets is incorrect because physical asset markets are markets where physical assets are traded. Physical assets include real estate, commodities, and collectibles.

D. easy markets is incorrect because easy markets is not a term used in finance.