Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statements : All the organised persons find time for rest. Sunita, in spite of her very busy schedule, finds time for rest. Conclusions : I. Sunita is an organised person. II. Sunita is an industrious person.

Only conclusion I follows
Only conclusion II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows E. Both I and II follow

The correct answer is: Only conclusion I follows.

The statement “All the organised persons find time for rest” is a universal affirmative statement. The conclusion “Sunita is an organised person” is a particular affirmative statement. The two statements are related in the following way:

All A are B
C is B
Therefore, C is A

In this case, A is “organised persons”, B is “find time for rest”, and C is “Sunita”. The conclusion “Sunita is an organised person” follows from the statement “All the organised persons find time for rest” because Sunita is a person who finds time for rest.

The conclusion “Sunita is an industrious person” is a particular affirmative statement. The two statements are not related in the following way:

All A are B
C is B
Therefore, C is A

In this case, A is “industrious persons”, B is “find time for rest”, and C is “Sunita”. The conclusion “Sunita is an industrious person” does not follow from the statement “All the organised persons find time for rest” because there are other reasons why Sunita might find time for rest, such as being a good time manager or being motivated to achieve her goals.