Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statements : Although we have rating agencies like Crisil, ICRA, there is demand to have a separate rating agency for IT companies to protect investors. Conclusions : I. Assessment of financial worth of IT companies calls for separate set of skills, insight and competencies. II. Now the investors investing in IT companies will get protection of their investment.

Only conclusion I follows
Only conclusion II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows E. Both I and II follow

The correct answer is: Only conclusion I follows.

The statement says that there is a demand for a separate rating agency for IT companies to protect investors. This does not mean that investors will be protected if a separate rating agency is established. It is possible that a separate rating agency will not be able to assess the financial worth of IT companies any better than existing rating agencies.

Conclusion I follows from the statement because the statement says that assessment of financial worth of IT companies calls for a separate set of skills, insight and competencies. This means that existing rating agencies may not have the necessary skills, insight and competencies to assess the financial worth of IT companies.

Conclusion II does not follow from the statement because the statement does not say anything about whether investors will be protected if a separate rating agency is established.