When the demand of consumers is not met by a power plant, it will resort to which of the following ?

Load shedding
Power factor improvement at the , generators
Penalising high load consumers by increasing the charges for electricity
Efficient plant operation

The correct answer is: A. Load shedding.

Load shedding is the controlled disconnection of electrical loads in an electrical power system to prevent a power outage on the entire network. It is usually done when the demand for electricity exceeds the supply, or when there is a fault on the network.

Power factor improvement at the generators is a technique used to improve the efficiency of a power system. It is done by reducing the amount of reactive power that is being consumed by the system. Reactive power is the power that is used to create and maintain the magnetic field in an electric motor or transformer. It is not used to do any useful work, and it can cause the system to become overloaded.

Penalising high load consumers by increasing the charges for electricity is a way of encouraging consumers to use less electricity. It is usually done by charging a higher rate for electricity that is used during peak hours.

Efficient plant operation is the process of operating a power plant in a way that minimizes the cost of generating electricity. It is done by optimizing the operation of the plant’s equipment and by reducing the amount of energy that is lost in the transmission and distribution of electricity.

In conclusion, the correct answer is: A. Load shedding.