The mountains which come into being after the continental drift started, with the break up of the large land mass of pangola are

young mountains
old mountains
volcanic mountains
fold mountains

The correct answer is: D. fold mountains

Fold mountains are formed when two tectonic plates collide and one plate is forced under the other. The material that is forced down is called the subducting plate, and the material that is pushed up is called the overriding plate. The overriding plate is folded and faulted as it is pushed up, and this creates the mountains.

Young mountains are mountains that are still being formed. They are typically characterized by their sharp peaks and steep slopes. Old mountains are mountains that have been worn down by erosion over time. They are typically characterized by their rounded peaks and gentle slopes. Volcanic mountains are mountains that are formed by the eruption of volcanoes. They are typically characterized by their conical shape.

The mountains which come into being after the continental drift started, with the break up of the large land mass of pangola are fold mountains. This is because the continental drift caused the tectonic plates to collide, which in turn caused the formation of fold mountains.