What is one way in which the knitr system differs from Sweave?

knitr allows for the use of markdown instead of LaTeX
knitr is written in python instead of R
knitr lacks features like caching of code chunks
none of the mentioned

The correct answer is A. knitr allows for the use of markdown instead of LaTeX.

knitr is a dynamic document preparation system for R that makes it easy to create reproducible reports, presentations, and websites. It is based on the Sweave system, but it offers a number of advantages, including:

  • It allows for the use of markdown instead of LaTeX, which is a markup language that is easier to learn and use.
  • It supports a wider range of output formats, including HTML, PDF, and Word documents.
  • It is more flexible and extensible than Sweave.
  • It is actively developed and maintained.

Sweave is a system for embedding R code in LaTeX documents. It was developed by Hadley Wickham and released in 2002. Sweave allows you to write a document in LaTeX, and then insert R code chunks into the document. When you compile the document, the R code is executed and the results are inserted into the document. This allows you to create dynamic documents that include the results of your R analyses.

knitr is a more recent system that builds on Sweave. It was developed by Yihui Xie and released in 2011. knitr offers a number of advantages over Sweave, including:

  • It allows for the use of markdown instead of LaTeX. Markdown is a markup language that is easier to learn and use than LaTeX.
  • It supports a wider range of output formats, including HTML, PDF, and Word documents.
  • It is more flexible and extensible than Sweave.
  • It is actively developed and maintained.

In conclusion, the correct answer is A. knitr allows for the use of markdown instead of LaTeX.