Statement : The Indian electronic component industry venturing into the West European markets faces tough competition from the Japanese. Courses of Action : I. India should search for other international markets for its products. II. India should improve the quality of the electronic components to compete with the Japanese in capturing these markets.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows E. Both I and II follow

The correct answer is: Both I and II follow.

The statement says that the Indian electronic component industry faces tough competition from the Japanese in the West European markets. This means that the Indian industry is not currently competitive in these markets.

Course of action I suggests that India should search for other international markets for its products. This is a good suggestion because it would allow the Indian industry to avoid competition from the Japanese.

Course of action II suggests that India should improve the quality of its electronic components. This is also a good suggestion because it would make the Indian industry more competitive in the West European markets.

Therefore, both courses of action are likely to improve the competitiveness of the Indian electronic component industry in the West European markets.