The oral polio vaccine was developed by

Jonas Salk
Louis Pasteur
Albert Sabin
Robert Koch

The correct answer is (c) Albert Sabin.

Jonas Salk developed the inactivated polio vaccine, which was the first polio vaccine to be widely used. Albert Sabin developed the oral polio vaccine, which is a live attenuated vaccine that is given orally. Robert Koch is best known for his work on tuberculosis. Louis Pasteur is best known for his work on pasteurization and vaccines for rabies and anthrax.

The inactivated polio vaccine is a vaccine that is made from killed poliovirus. It is given by injection into the muscle. The oral polio vaccine is a vaccine that is made from live attenuated poliovirus. It is given by mouth. The oral polio vaccine is more effective than the inactivated polio vaccine at preventing polio. It is also less likely to cause side effects.

Polio is a disease that is caused by a virus. The virus attacks the nervous system and can cause paralysis. Polio can be a very serious disease, and it can even be fatal. The polio vaccine is very effective at preventing polio. It is estimated that the polio vaccine has prevented over 10 million cases of polio and over 500,000 deaths.