Which of the following CSS Property selects an animation defined in an @keyframes rule and applies it to the element?

none of the mentioned

The correct answer is: A. animation

The animation property is used to apply an animation to an element. It takes the following syntax:

animation: <animation-name> <duration> <timing-function> <delay> <iteration-count> <direction> <fill-mode> <keyframes>;

The animation-name property specifies the name of the animation to apply. The duration property specifies the duration of the animation, in seconds. The timing-function property specifies the timing function for the animation. The delay property specifies the delay before the animation starts, in seconds. The iteration-count property specifies how many times the animation should repeat. The direction property specifies the direction in which the animation should play. The fill-mode property specifies what should happen to the element after the animation ends. The keyframes property specifies the keyframes for the animation.

The animation-name property is required. The duration, timing-function, delay, iteration-count, direction, and fill-mode properties are all optional.

The animation-element property is not used to select an animation defined in an @keyframes rule and apply it to the element. It is used to specify the element to which the animation should be applied.

The none of the mentioned option is also incorrect.