Cloud . . . . . . . . are standardized in order to appeal to the majority of its audience.

None of the mentioned

The correct answer is: B. SLAs

Service level agreements (SLAs) are standardized in order to appeal to the majority of its audience. SLAs are contracts between a cloud service provider and its customers that outline the level of service that the provider will commit to. SLAs typically include provisions for things like uptime, performance, and support. By standardizing SLAs, cloud service providers can make it easier for customers to compare different offerings and choose the one that best meets their needs.


Service level objectives (SLOs) are not standardized. SLOs are targets that a cloud service provider sets for itself in terms of things like uptime, performance, and support. SLOs are not typically included in SLAs, but they can be used to help providers measure their performance and improve their services.


Security assurance levels (SALs) are not standardized. SALs are levels of security that a cloud service provider must meet in order to comply with certain regulations or standards. SALs are not typically included in SLAs, but they can be used to help providers assess their security posture and improve their security practices.

D. None of the mentioned

None of the options are standardized. SLAs, SLOs, and SALs are all important concepts in cloud computing, but they are not standardized. This means that each cloud service provider can define these terms in its own way. This can make it difficult for customers to compare different offerings and choose the one that best meets their needs.