The following question, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words: Abrupt : Sudden

Dearth : Plenty
Accident : Mishap
Pacify : Provoke
Eminent : Notorious

The correct answer is: A. Dearth : Plenty

Abrupt means happening or coming suddenly and without warning. Sudden means happening quickly and unexpectedly.

Dearth means a lack of something. Plenty means a large or sufficient amount of something.

Accident means an unfortunate event that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally. Mishap means an unfortunate incident that happens by chance.

Pacify means to make someone calm or less angry. Provoke means to cause someone to become angry or annoyed.

Eminent means well-known and respected. Notorious means well-known for something bad or evil.

In the original pair of words, “abrupt” and “sudden” are synonyms. This means that they have the same or nearly the same meaning. In the answer pair, “dearth” and “plenty” are also synonyms. This means that they have the same or nearly the same meaning. Therefore, the answer pair has the same relationship as the original pair of words.