The Provision for the Calling Attention Notices has restricted the scope of which of the following?

Short duration discussion
Question hour
Adjournment motion
Zero hour Ans. a

The correct answer is (a) Short duration discussion.

A calling attention notice is a notice given by a member of Parliament to draw the attention of the government to a matter of urgent public importance. The notice is listed on the agenda of the House and the minister concerned is required to give a reply.

A short duration discussion is a debate on a matter of urgent public importance that is not listed on the agenda of the House. The debate is limited to 30 minutes and the minister concerned is not required to give a reply.

Question hour is a period of time during each sitting of Parliament when members can ask questions of the ministers.

Adjournment motion is a motion that can be moved by a member of Parliament to adjourn the House to discuss a matter of urgent public importance.

Zero hour is a period of time at the beginning of each sitting of Parliament when members can raise any matter of public importance.

The provision for the calling attention notices has restricted the scope of short duration discussions because members can now raise matters of urgent public importance through calling attention notices. This has led to a decline in the number of short duration discussions.