No matter what . . . . . . . come our way, we should not lose our temper.


The correct answer is A. provocations.

A provocation is an act that is intended to anger or annoy someone. When we are provoked, it is natural to feel angry and want to lash out. However, it is important to remember that losing our temper will only make the situation worse. It is better to stay calm and try to de-escalate the situation.

B. distractions are things that take our attention away from what we are doing. They can be anything from a text message to a loud noise. Distractions can be annoying, but they are not usually harmful. If we find ourselves getting distracted, it is important to take a few deep breaths and refocus on the task at hand.

C. persons are people. They can be friends, family, strangers, or anyone else. We should treat all people with respect, even if they are provoking us. If we find ourselves getting angry with someone, it is important to take a step back and cool down before we say or do something we will regret.

D. temptations are things that we are drawn to but know we should not do. They can be anything from eating a piece of cake to cheating on our partner. Temptations can be difficult to resist, but it is important to remember that giving in to them will only lead to regret. If we find ourselves tempted to do something we know we should not, it is important to find a way to distract ourselves or remove ourselves from the situation.

In conclusion, the correct answer is A. provocations. We should not lose our temper no matter what provocations come our way.