What kind of Tax System is found in India ?


The correct answer is (a) Progressive.

A progressive tax system is one in which the tax rate increases as the amount of income increases. This means that people who earn more money pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than people who earn less money.

India has a progressive tax system. The income tax rates in India range from 5% to 30%, with the highest rates applying to people with the highest incomes. This means that people who earn more money pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than people who earn less money.

A progressive tax system is designed to be fair. The idea is that people who have more money should contribute more to the government than people who have less money. This is because people who have more money are able to afford to pay more in taxes.

A progressive tax system can also help to reduce inequality. When people with more money pay more in taxes, it means that the government has more money to spend on programs that help people with less money. This can help to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.

There are some arguments against progressive tax systems. Some people argue that they are unfair because they punish people who are successful. Others argue that they are inefficient because they discourage people from working hard and earning more money.

However, the majority of economists believe that progressive tax systems are fair and efficient. They argue that progressive tax systems are necessary to fund government programs that benefit everyone, and that they help to reduce inequality.

The other options are:

(b) Degressive: A degressive tax system is one in which the tax rate decreases as the amount of income increases. This means that people who earn more money pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes than people who earn less money.

(c) Proportional: A proportional tax system is one in which the tax rate is the same for everyone, regardless of their income. This means that people who earn more money pay the same percentage of their income in taxes as people who earn less money.

(d) Regressive: A regressive tax system is one in which the tax rate increases as the amount of income decreases. This means that people who earn less money pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than people who earn more money.