A branch office, location or other data processing centres, where a newly developed system is used under normal operating conditions for several months, to test it, is called A. beta test data B. alpha test data C. string test data D. system test data E. None of the above

beta test data
alpha test data
string test data
system test data E. None of the above

The correct answer is A. beta test data.

Beta testing is the second phase of software testing where a software product is tested by a group of selected users or customers. The purpose of beta testing is to identify any bugs or defects that were not found during the alpha testing phase.

Beta testing is typically conducted in a real-world environment, such as a branch office, location or other data processing centres. This allows the testers to use the software under normal operating conditions and to identify any issues that may arise.

Alpha testing is the first phase of software testing where a software product is tested by a group of developers or testers. The purpose of alpha testing is to identify any major bugs or defects in the software.

Alpha testing is typically conducted in a controlled environment, such as a development lab. This allows the testers to focus on finding bugs and defects without being distracted by other factors.

String testing is a type of software testing that is used to identify and fix errors in the code. String testing is typically conducted by a group of developers or testers who are familiar with the programming language that the software is written in.

System testing is a type of software testing that is used to verify that the software meets all of its requirements. System testing is typically conducted by a group of testers who are familiar with the software requirements.

E. None of the above is not the correct answer.