S1: Even the newsmen and spectators were not spared. P: A home guard in the gallery was hit on the face. Q: They went only inches over the heads of newsmen in the press gallery. R: Three bludgeons which are hurled missed their mark. S: This made the scribes run helter skelter. S6: He fell down,his bleeding eye bulging. The Proper sequence should be: A. PSRQ B. QRPS C. RQSP D. SRQP


The correct answer is: D. SRQP

The correct sequence of the sentences is:

  1. He fell down, his bleeding eye bulging.
  2. Even the newsmen and spectators were not spared.
  3. Three bludgeons which are hurled missed their mark.
  4. They went only inches over the heads of newsmen in the press gallery.
  5. This made the scribes run helter skelter.
  6. A home guard in the gallery was hit on the face.

The first sentence (S6) states that even the newsmen and spectators were not spared. This is followed by the third sentence (S3), which states that three bludgeons were hurled but missed their mark. The fourth sentence (S4) then states that a home guard in the gallery was hit on the face. This is followed by the second sentence (S2), which states that the bludgeons went only inches over the heads of newsmen in the press gallery. The fifth sentence (S5) then states that this made the scribes run helter skelter. The final sentence (S1) then concludes by stating that even the newsmen and spectators were not spared.

The other options are incorrect because they do not follow the correct sequence of events. For example, option A (PSRQ) has the third sentence (S3) before the fourth sentence (S4). This is incorrect because the fourth sentence (S4) states that a home guard in the gallery was hit on the face, which happened before the third sentence (S3), which states that three bludgeons were hurled but missed their mark.