
The following are the subtopics of Maharatnas:

  • Agni – The fire god.
  • Adityas – The sun gods.
  • Ashvins – The twin gods of healing and medicine.
  • Brahma – The creator god.
  • Devas – The gods.
  • Durga – The goddess of power and protection.
  • Ganesha – The elephant-headed god of wisdom and success.
  • Gandharvas – The celestial musicians.
  • Indra – The king of the gods.
  • Kali – The goddess of time and destruction.
  • Krishna – The eighth avatar of Vishnu.
  • Lakshmi – The goddess of wealth and prosperity.
  • Mahadevi – The great goddess.
  • Nandi – The bull mount of Shiva.
  • Parvati – The wife of Shiva.
  • Rama – The seventh avatar of Vishnu.
  • Ravana – The demon king of Lanka.
  • Shiva – The destroyer god.
  • Surya – The sun god.
  • Vishnu – The preserver god.
  • Yama – The god of death.
  • Yakshas – The nature spirits.
  • Yogi – A practitioner of YogaYoga-2YogaYoga.
    Maharatnas are the nine most important Hindu deities. They are:
  • Agni – The fire god.
  • Adityas – The sun gods.
  • Ashvins – The twin gods of healing and medicine.
  • Brahma – The creator god.
  • Devas – The gods.
  • Durga – The goddess of power and protection.
  • Ganesha – The elephant-headed god of wisdom and success.
  • Gandharvas – The celestial musicians.
  • Indra – The king of the gods.
  • Kali – The goddess of time and destruction.
  • Krishna – The eighth avatar of Vishnu.
  • Lakshmi – The goddess of wealth and prosperity.
  • Mahadevi – The great goddess.
  • Nandi – The bull mount of Shiva.
  • Parvati – The wife of Shiva.
  • Rama – The seventh avatar of Vishnu.
  • Ravana – The demon king of Lanka.
  • Shiva – The destroyer god.
  • Surya – The sun god.
  • Vishnu – The preserver god.
  • Yama – The god of death.
  • Yakshas – The nature spirits.
  • Yogi – A practitioner of yoga.

Agni is the fire god. He is the god of sacrifice and purification. He is also the god of the hearth and home. Agni is often depicted as a three-headed man with a flaming tongue.

The Adityas are the sun gods. They are the sons of Aditi, the goddess of infinity. The Adityas are often depicted as seven sages.

The Ashvins are the twin gods of healing and medicine. They are the sons of Dyaus Pita, the god of the sky. The Ashvins are often depicted as horsemen.

Brahma is the creator god. He is the one who created the universe. Brahma is often depicted as a four-headed man.

The Devas are the gods. They are the beings who live in heaven. The Devas are often depicted as beautiful and powerful beings.

Durga is the goddess of power and protection. She is the one who protects the world from evil. Durga is often depicted as a fierce warrior woman.

Ganesha is the elephant-headed god of wisdom and success. He is the remover of obstacles. Ganesha is often depicted as a pot-bellied man with an elephant head.

The Gandharvas are the celestial musicians. They are the ones who play music in heaven. The Gandharvas are often depicted as beautiful men with wings.

Indra is the king of the gods. He is the god of war and thunder. Indra is often depicted as a powerful warrior.

Kali is the goddess of time and destruction. She is the one who destroys the world at the end of each cycle. Kali is often depicted as a fierce woman with a necklace of skulls.

Krishna is the eighth avatar of Vishnu. He is the god of love and compassion. Krishna is often depicted as a young man with blue skin.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. She is the wife of Vishnu. Lakshmi is often depicted as a beautiful woman with four arms.

Mahadevi is the great goddess. She is the one who represents the divine feminine. Mahadevi is often depicted as a fierce woman with many arms.

Nandi is the bull mount of Shiva. He is the symbol of strength and power. Nandi is often depicted as a white bull.

Parvati is the wife of Shiva. She is the goddess of love and compassion. Parvati is often depicted as a beautiful woman with long hair.

Rama is the seventh avatar of Vishnu. He is the god of truth and JusticeJustice. Rama is often depicted as a young man with a bow and arrow.

Ravana is the demon king of Lanka. He is the one who kidnapped Sita, the wife of Rama. Ravana is often depicted as a ten-headed demon.

Shiva is the destroyer god. He is the one who destroys the world at the end of each cycle. Shiva is often depicted as a wandering ascetic.

Surya is the sun god. He is the god of light and life. Surya is often depicted as a charioteer driving a chariot pulled by seven horses.

Vishnu is the preserver god. He is the one who protects the world from evil. Vishnu is often depicted as a blue man with four arms.

Yama is the god of death. He is the one who judges the souls of the dead. Yama is often depicted as a man with a noose.

  • Who is Agni?
    Agni is the Hindu god of fire. He is the son of Dyaus Pita (the sky father) and Prithvi (the earth mother). Agni is the god of sacrifice and is often depicted as a three-headed man with a flaming tongue.
  • What are his powers?
    Agni is the god of fire, so he has the power to control fire. He can also create fire and destroy it. Agni is also the god of sacrifice, so he has the power to bless or curse those who offer him sacrifices.
  • What are his symbols?
    Agni’s symbols are the fire, the sacrificial altar, and the cow.
  • What are his stories?
    Agni is a very important god in HinduismHinduism. He is mentioned in many Hindu scriptures, including the VedasVedas, the PuranasPuranas, and The Mahabharata. Agni is also a popular figure in Hindu art and sculpture.


  • Who are the Adityas?
    The Adityas are a group of twelve solar deities in Hinduism. They are the sons of Aditi, the goddess of infinity. The Adityas are often associated with the sun and are said to be the guardians of the universe.
  • What are their powers?
    The Adityas are said to have many powers, including the power to control the sun, the power to give life, and the power to destroy evil. They are also said to be able to grant boons to those who worship them.
  • What are their symbols?
    The Adityas are often depicted as gods with golden bodies and sun-like halos. They are also associated with the sun chariot, which is said to carry them across the sky.
  • What are their stories?
    The Adityas are mentioned in many Hindu scriptures, including the Vedas, the Puranas, and the Mahabharata. They are also a popular figure in Hindu art and sculpture.


  • Who are the Ashvins?
    The Ashvins are a pair of twin gods in Hinduism. They are the sons of the sun god Surya and the goddess Chhaya. The Ashvins are often depicted as handsome young men with golden hair and horses. They are said to be the physicians of the gods and are often invoked for healing and protection.
  • What are their powers?
    The Ashvins are said to have many powers, including the power to heal the sick, the power to give life, and the power to bring good luck. They are also said to be able to grant boons to those who worship them.
  • What are their symbols?
    The Ashvins are often depicted as riding on a chariot drawn by seven horses. They are also associated with the sun and the moon.
  • What are their stories?
    The Ashvins are mentioned in many Hindu scriptures, including the Vedas, the Puranas, and the Mahabharata. They are also a popular figure in Hindu art and sculpture.


  • Who is Brahma?
    Brahma is the Hindu god of creation. He is the first god in the Hindu Trimurti, which also includes Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma is often depicted as a four-headed man with a white beard. He is said to have created the universe out of his own body.
  • What are his powers?
    Brahma is said to have many powers, including the power to create life, the power to destroy life, and the power to control the universe. He is also said to be able to grant boons to those who worship him.
  • What are his symbols?
    Brahma’s symbols are the lotus flower, the cow, and the Vedas.
  • What are his stories?
    Brahma is mentioned in many Hindu scriptures, including the Vedas, the Puranas, and the Mahabharata. He is also a popular figure in Hindu art and sculpture.


  • Who are the Devas?
    The Devas are a group of gods in Hinduism. They are the counterparts of the Asuras, the demons. The Devas are often depicted as beautiful beings with golden bodies. They are said to live in heaven and are often invoked for protection and blessings.
  • What are their powers?
    The Devas are said to have many powers, including the power to fly, the power to change shape, and the power to control the elements. They are also said to be able to grant boons to those who worship them.
  • What are their symbols?
    The Devas are often depicted as carrying weapons, such as bows and arrows, swords, and spears. They are also associated with the sun, the moon, and the stars.
  • What are their stories?
    The Devas are mentioned in many Hindu scriptures, including the Vedas, the Puranas, and the Mahabharata. They are also a popular figure in Hindu art and
  • Who is the god of fire?
    (A) Agni
    (B) Indra
    (CC) Surya
    (D) Vishnu
  • Who is the goddess of power and protection?
    (A) Durga
    (B) Lakshmi
    (C) Saraswati
    (D) Kali
  • Who is the elephant-headed god of wisdom and success?
    (A) Ganesha
    (B) Hanuman
    (C) Krishna
    (D) Rama
  • Who is the king of the gods?
    (A) Indra
    (B) Brahma
    (C) Vishnu
    (D) Shiva
  • Who is the goddess of time and destruction?
    (A) Kali
    (B) Lakshmi
    (C) Saraswati
    (D) Durga
  • Who is the eighth avatar of Vishnu?
    (A) Krishna
    (B) Rama
    (C) Buddha
    (D) Jesus
  • Who is the goddess of wealth and prosperity?
    (A) Lakshmi
    (B) Saraswati
    (C) Parvati
    (D) Durga
  • Who is the great goddess?
    (A) Durga
    (B) Lakshmi
    (C) Saraswati
    (D) Mahadevi
  • Who is the bull mount of Shiva?
    (A) Nandi
    (B) Hanuman
    (C) Garuda
    (D) Vasuki
  • Who is the wife of Shiva?
    (A) Parvati
    (B) Lakshmi
    (C) Saraswati
    (D) Durga
  • Who is the seventh avatar of Vishnu?
    (A) Krishna
    (B) Rama
    (C) Buddha
    (D) Jesus
  • Who is the demon king of Lanka?
    (A) Ravana
    (B) Kumbhakarna
    (C) Vibhisana
    (D) Indrajit
  • Who is the destroyer god?
    (A) Shiva
    (B) Vishnu
    (C) Brahma
    (D) Indra
  • Who is the sun god?
    (A) Surya
    (B) Indra
    (C) Vishnu
    (D) Brahma
  • Who is the preserver god?
    (A) Vishnu
    (B) Shiva
    (C) Brahma
    (D) Indra
  • Who is the god of death?
    (A) Yama
    (B) Vishnu
    (C) Brahma
    (D) Indra
  • Who are the nature spirits?
    (A) Yakshas
    (B) Gandharvas
    (C) Apsaras
    (D) Kinnaras
  • Who is a practitioner of yoga?
    (A) Yogi
    (B) Sadhu
    (C) Muni
    (D) Rishi
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