

A Lokayukta or Lokpal is an ombudsman, a public official who is appointed to investigate complaints of corruption or maladministration against politicians and other public servants. The institution of Lokayukta was first established in Karnataka in 1985, and has since been adopted by several other states and the central government.

The Lokayukta is an independent body, and its members are appointed by the state or central government on the recommendation of a selection committee. The Lokayukta has the power to investigate complaints against any public servant, including ministers, judges, and members of the legislature. It can also recommend prosecution of those found guilty of corruption.

The Lokayukta has been an effective tool in fighting corruption in India. In its first 25 years, the Karnataka Lokayukta had received over 100,000 complaints and had ordered prosecution in over 10,000 cases. The Lokayukta has also been instrumental in recovering large sums of money that had been embezzled by public servants.

The Lokayukta is a powerful institution, but it is not without its critics. Some argue that the Lokayukta is too powerful and that it can be used to target political opponents. Others argue that the Lokayukta is not effective enough and that it has not been able to root out corruption from the system.

Despite these criticisms, the Lokayukta remains an important institution in the fight against corruption in India. It has the potential to make a significant difference in the lives of ordinary people by ensuring that public servants are held accountable for their actions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lokayukta?

Lokayukta is an ombudsman, a public official who is appointed to investigate complaints of corruption or maladministration against politicians and other public servants.

What are the powers of Lokayukta?

The Lokayukta has the power to investigate complaints against any public servant, including ministers, judges, and members of the legislature. It can also recommend prosecution of those found guilty of corruption.

How is Lokayukta appointed?

The Lokayukta is appointed by the state or central government on the recommendation of a selection committee.

What are the challenges faced by Lokayukta?

One of the challenges faced by Lokayukta is that it is often seen as a political tool. Some argue that the Lokayukta is too powerful and that it can be used to target political opponents. Others argue that the Lokayukta is not effective enough and that it has not been able to root out corruption from the system.

What is the future of Lokayukta?

Despite these challenges, the Lokayukta remains an important institution in the fight against corruption in India. It has the potential to make a significant difference in the lives of ordinary people by ensuring that public servants are held accountable for their actions.


  1. What is Lokayukta?
    (a) An ombudsman
    (b) A public official who is appointed to investigate complaints of corruption or maladministration against politicians and other public servants
    (c) Both (a) and (b)

  2. What are the powers of Lokayukta?
    (a) To investigate complaints against any public servant, including ministers, judges, and members of the legislature
    (b) To recommend prosecution of those found guilty of corruption
    (c) Both (a) and (b)

  3. How is Lokayukta appointed?
    (a) By the state or central government on the recommendation of a selection committee
    (b) By the President of India
    (c) By the Prime Minister of India

  4. What are the challenges faced by Lokayukta?
    (a) It is often seen as a political tool
    (b) It is not effective enough
    (c) Both (a) and (b)

  5. What is the future of Lokayukta?
    (a) It is an important institution in the fight against corruption in India
    (b) It has the potential to make a significant difference in the lives of ordinary people
    (c) Both (a) and (b)

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