Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies.

<<2/”>a >a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/Lokayukta-2/”>Lokayukta investigates cases of Corruption, where substantiated, recommend action. He is a great check on corruption, brings about transparency in the system, makes administrative machinery citizen friendly. His functions largely depend upon jurisdiction vested in him and facilities provided for taking cognizance of citizens’ grievances promptly, dexterously and expeditiously through simple, informal mechanism devoid of technicalities. Corruption is internationally recognized a major problem,capable of endangering stability and security of Society, threatening social, economic and political development and undermining the values of Democracy and morality.

Lokayukta Composition:-
A person to be elected as a Lokayukta should be one, who is or is the Chief Justice or Judge of the High Court. Or, a famous person, who has more than 25 years of expertise in topics related to anti-corruption, Public Administration, vigilance, finance, law and management. Maximum four members can be selected, of which 50 percent will be judicial members. But 50 percent of the members of Lokayukta will be from SC, ST, OBC, minority and Women.

Special Powers of the Lokayukta

  • Lokayukta can provide instructions for initial investigation or inspection in any case.
  • It is not possible to transfer the officer without the permission of the Lokayukta.
  • The Lokayukta will receive all the powers of the Civil Court while doing the investigation.

Chairperson, selection committee for appointment of members

  • The committee constituted at the Governor’s level will appoint the president and members of Lokayukt. The governor can give advice to the selection committee for reconsidering the recommendation of the committee, but there will be a compulsion to accept the recommendation after reconsideration.
  • The Governor will constitute an Investigative Committee for appointment of Chairman and Members of the Lokayukta.
  • The selection committee will consider the names of recommendations of the research committee and will then give its recommendation. On this basis the governor will appoint president and members.
  • The President and every member from whom he takes over will be able to provide Services for five years or till the age of 70 years.
  • Lokayukta will not be eligible for re-appointment as Chairman or as a member.
  • For five years from the date of resignation, the President and the Member shall not be eligible to contest the Election of President, Vice President, MP, MLA, Municipal Body and Panchayat.

Lokayukta will be able to probe against :-

– Chief Minister or former Chief Minister, but it would be necessary to start a full judicial inquiry And consideration and approval to begin investigating at least four members.
– Minister or former minister in the State Government
– Member or former member of state assembly.
– Any officer of Group A and B level in Public Service.
– Any officer or its equivalent officer of Group C and Group D in public service.
– Body Board, Authority, President of Autonomous Body, Member, Employee, Officer
– Any work or conduct of any person can also be examined.

Uttarakhand Vigilance establishment was set up under the Uttarakhand (UP Vigilance Establishment act 1965) Adaptation and Amendment Order 2002. The primary function of the Vigilance Establishment is to bring relief to the common man by curbing corruption in Government Departments and Offices.

For action against any Government Officer or Employee or any Public Servant who engages in corruption or demands bribe or remuneration other than the prescribed legitimate honorarium/fees, information can be given personally or on phone, fax or email to Uttarakhand Vigilance Establishment.

Organizational Structure of Uttarakhand Vigilance Department is as follows:-

The Vigilance Establishment shall perform the following functions:

(a) Keep the Government informed of all the cases of corruption, bribery, misconduct, misbehavior and other malpractice involving public servants that come to its notice.

(b) Collect Intelligence on its own initiative or on the orders of Government in the Vigilance Department relating to corruption of any individual public servant or public servants belonging to department, class or category;

(c) Make enquiries, secret or open, and investigations into cases of corruption, bribery, misconduct, misbehavior or other malpractices, that may be referred to it from time to time of the Government in the Vigilance Department.,

Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies are important institutions in India that are responsible for investigating and prosecuting corruption cases. The Lok Ayukta is a state-level ombudsman, while the State Vigilance Bureau is a government agency that is responsible for investigating corruption cases involving government officials.

The Lokayukta Act is a law that establishes the Lok Ayukta institution in a state. The Vigilance Commission is a statutory body that is responsible for overseeing the functioning of the State Vigilance Bureau. The Vigilance Department is a government department that is responsible for investigating corruption cases involving government employees.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau is a government agency that is responsible for investigating corruption cases involving public servants. The Anti-Corruption Wing is a unit within the State Vigilance Bureau that is responsible for investigating corruption cases involving government officials. The Vigilance Cell is a unit within the Vigilance Department that is responsible for investigating corruption cases involving government employees.

The Vigilance Committee is a committee that is constituted by the government to oversee the functioning of the State Vigilance Bureau. The Vigilance Council is a council that is constituted by the government to oversee the functioning of the Vigilance Department.

The Vigilance Commission Act, Anti-Corruption Act, Anti-Corruption Wing Act, Vigilance Department Act, Anti-Corruption Bureau Act, Anti-Corruption Wing Act, Vigilance Cell Act, Vigilance Committee Act, and Vigilance Council Act are laws that establish and regulate the functioning of the Lok Ayukta, State Vigilance Bureau, Vigilance Commission, Vigilance Department, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Anti-Corruption Wing, Vigilance Cell, Vigilance Committee, and Vigilance Council, respectively.

The Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies play an important role in fighting corruption in India. They investigate corruption cases, prosecute corrupt officials, and recommend reforms to prevent corruption. These agencies have been successful in reducing corruption in India, but there is still much work to be done.

One of the challenges faced by the Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies is the lack of public awareness about their work. Many people are not aware of the existence of these agencies or the services they provide. This can make it difficult for the agencies to receive the support they need to be effective.

Another challenge faced by the Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies is the lack of Resources. These agencies often have limited staff and funding, which can make it difficult for them to investigate and prosecute corruption cases.

Despite these challenges, the Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies have made significant progress in fighting corruption in India. They have investigated and prosecuted many corrupt officials, and they have recommended reforms to prevent corruption. These agencies have played a vital role in making India a more corruption-free country.

In conclusion, the Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies are important institutions in India that are responsible for fighting corruption. They have made significant progress in reducing corruption in India, but there is still much work to be done. The agencies face challenges such as lack of public awareness and resources, but they are committed to fighting corruption and making India a more corruption-free country.

What is a Lok Ayukta?

A Lok Ayukta is an ombudsman, an independent public official who is appointed to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption and maladministration by government officials. The Lok Ayukta is usually a retired judge or a senior lawyer, and is appointed by the state government.

What are the powers of a Lok Ayukta?

The Lok Ayukta has the power to investigate complaints against government officials, to summon witnesses, and to order the production of documents. The Lok Ayukta can also recommend disciplinary action against government officials, including dismissal from service.

What are the limitations of a Lok Ayukta?

The Lok Ayukta is not a court of law, and its decisions are not binding on the government. The government can reject the recommendations of the Lok Ayukta, but it is usually reluctant to do so in view of the public scrutiny that the Lok Ayukta enjoys.

What are the benefits of having a Lok Ayukta?

The Lok Ayukta can help to reduce corruption and maladministration in government. It can also help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government services. The Lok Ayukta can also act as a check on the power of the government, and can help to protect the rights of citizens.

What are the criticisms of the Lok Ayukta?

Some people argue that the Lok Ayukta is not effective enough in fighting corruption. They argue that the Lok Ayukta is too dependent on the government, and that its recommendations are often ignored. Others argue that the Lok Ayukta is too expensive, and that its resources could be better used in other ways.

What is the future of the Lok Ayukta?

The future of the Lok Ayukta is uncertain. Some people believe that the Lok Ayukta is an important institution that should be strengthened. Others believe that the Lok Ayukta is not effective enough, and that it should be replaced by a more powerful anti-corruption body.

Sure. Here are some MCQs on the topics of Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies:

  1. Which of the following is not a function of the Lok Ayukta?
    (A) To inquire into complaints against public servants
    (B) To recommend action against public servants
    (C) To award compensation to victims of corruption
    (D) To investigate cases of corruption

  2. Which of the following is not a function of the State Vigilance agencies?
    (A) To investigate cases of corruption
    (B) To prosecute cases of corruption
    (C) To recommend action against public servants
    (D) To award compensation to victims of corruption

  3. The Lok Ayukta is appointed by the
    (A) President of India
    (B) Governor of the State
    (C) Chief Minister of the State
    (D) Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

  4. The State Vigilance agencies are headed by the
    (A) Chief Minister of the State
    (B) Director General of Police
    (C) Chief Secretary of the State
    (D) Vigilance Commissioner

  5. The Lok Ayukta has the power to
    (A) Summon and examine witnesses
    (B) Require production of documents
    (C) Require public servants to furnish information
    (D) All of the above

  6. The State Vigilance agencies have the power to
    (A) Arrest public servants
    (B) Search premises
    (C) Seize documents
    (D) All of the above

  7. The Lok Ayukta can recommend action against public servants for
    (A) Corruption
    (B) Misconduct
    (C) Negligence
    (D) All of the above

  8. The State Vigilance agencies can prosecute public servants for
    (A) Corruption
    (B) Misconduct
    (C) Negligence
    (D) All of the above

  9. The Lok Ayukta can award compensation to victims of corruption up to
    (A) Rs. 5 lakh
    (B) Rs. 10 lakh
    (C) Rs. 20 lakh
    (D) Rs. 50 lakh

  10. The State Vigilance agencies can award compensation to victims of corruption up to
    (A) Rs. 5 lakh
    (B) Rs. 10 lakh
    (C) Rs. 20 lakh
    (D) Rs. 50 lakh

I hope these MCQs are helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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