Localization of Industries

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[su_heading size=”21″]Types of Industries[/su_heading]

Based on the value addition and tangibility broadly we can have three types of industries – primary industries,secondary industries and tertiary industries.

  • Primary industries are usually very simple industries involving processing of raw materials to give input goods for secondary industries.
    Here value addition is usually minimal and they are
    usually material oriented.Scale of operation may be small or may be very large.Examples are: coal mining and washing, oil-refining,flour milling, Metal smelting, stone crushing, etc.
  • Secondary industries are very complex and diversified which took input from primary industries and add significant value to it in different processing stages.
    The value additions are so significant that they may have a locational preference in favour of market.Secondary industries may again divided into heavy industries, Light industries, footloose industries, etc.
  1. a) Heavy industries are identified by nature of their bulkyproduct or very high capital inputs or units which mayhave high capacity to influence Environment adversely.Examples are: heavy chemical, heavy machinery,locomotive, shipbuilding, heavy electrical, etc.
  2. b) Light industries are less capital intensive and moreinclined to consumer products.
    Products are usually lighter in weight, require lesspower, less polluting and can be established in small areas.
  3. c) Footloose industries are those industries which nearly remain indifferent with locational aspects of plant.Their products are having very high value addition and smaller in size and so transportation cost is only a small fraction of total cost.These industries usually requires a very small production space, are usually less polluting and butrequires highly skilled workers.Examples are: watch, camera, diamond cutting,precision electronics, etc.

Tertiary industries are not related to production process.They are basically trade and Services providing industries.The scale of operation is so large that it is regarded as an Industry.Examples are: Banking industry, insurance industry, consultancy industry, etc.

[su_heading size=”21″]Factors of industrial location[/su_heading]

The factors affecting the location of industries are :-

  • the availability of raw material,
  • the availability of land,
  • the availability of water,
  • the availability of labour,
  • the availability and consistency of power supply,
  • the availability of capital,
  • the availability of transport Network and market.
  •  Sometimes, the government provides incentives like subsidised power, lower transport cost and other Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE so that industries may be located in backward areas.

[su_heading size=”21″]Distribution and changing pattern of iron and steel industry[/su_heading]

Although iron and steel manufacturing activity in India is very old, modern iron and steel industry started with the establishment of ‘Bengal Iron and Steel Works’ at Kulti in West Bengal in 1817. Tata Iron and Steel company was established at Jamshedpur in 1907. This was followed by ‘Indian Iron and Steel plant’ at Burnpur in 1919. All the three Plants were established in the private sector. The first public sector iron and steel plant, which is now known as ‘Visvesvarayya Iron and Steel works’, was established at Bhadrawati in 1923.

After independence a great focus was given for self dependence and investments were made in heavy industries. Three new integrated steel plants were established at Rourkela, Bhilai and Durgapur. Bokaro steel plant was established under public sector in 1964. Bokaro and Bhilai plants were set up with the collaboration of the former Soviet Union. Durgapur steel plant was set up in Collaboration with United Kingdom while Rourkela plant was established with the help of Germany.

The change in the spatial pattern of this industry is linked to the change in patterns of consumption, production and exchange of goods and services. This is dependent on the spatial organization and location of economic, transportation and Communication-systems/”>Communication systems that produce and facilitate the trade of the concerned commodities.

[su_heading size=”21″]Distribution and changing pattern of Cotton textile industry[/su_heading]

The industrial development in India began with the establishment of first successful modern cotton textile mill at Mumbai in 1854.Traditional cotton textile industry could not face the competition from the new textile mills of the West, which produced cheap and good quality fabrics through mechanized industrial units. Majority of cotton textile mills are still located in the cotton growing areas of the great plains and peninsular India.

The Muslins of Dhaka, Chintzes of Masulipatnam, Calicos of Calicut and Gold-wrought cotton of Burhanpur, Surat and Vadodara were known worldwide for their quality and design. But the production of hand woven cotton textile was expensive and time consuming. Hence, traditional cotton textile industry could not face the competition from the new textile mills of the West, which produced cheap and good quality fabrics through mechanized industrial units.

[su_heading size=”21″]Distribution and changing pattern of Sugar industry[/su_heading]

India is the second largest producer of sugar in the world after Brazil and is also the largest consumer. Today Indian sugar industry’s annual output is worth approximately Rs.80,000 crores.Most of the sugar mills are concentrated in six states, namely Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

Over the period, sugarcane industry is gradually shifting from north Indian states to states in Peninsular India. Some of the important reasons are as follows:

1) The production of sugarcane per hectare is higher is Peninsular India. In fact, sugarcane crop grows well in the tropical Climate of south India.

2) The sucrose contents is higher in the tropical variety of sugarcane grown in the south.

3) The crushing season in south India is longer than in north India.

4) In south India most of the mills have modern machinery.

5) Most of the mills in Peninsular India are in cooperative sector, where profit maximization is not the sole objective

[su_heading size=”21″]Distribution and changing pattern of Petro- chemicals industry[/su_heading]

Petro-chemicals are derived from petroleum or natural gas.Products such as Toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, hairpins, soap cases, plastic mugs, garments, radiocaes, ball point pens, detergents, electric switches, lipstick, insecticides, bags, bed covers, and foam are some of the goods made from petro-chemicals. The share of offshore crude oil production was about 50.2%. The remaining crude oil production was from 6 States viz., Andhra Pradesh (0.7%), Arunachal Pradesh (0.2%), Assam (12.1%), Gujarat (12.5%), Rajasthan (23.7%) and Tamil Nadu (0.6%).

Besides Vadodara, Gandhar, and Hazira in Gujarat and Nagathone in Maharashtra are other important centres of petro-chemical industry. India is self sufficient in the production of petrochemicals.

[su_heading size=”21″]Weber’s theory of industrial location-its relevance in the modern world.[/su_heading]

Weber’s main point was that the cost of transport (another theory on this) determined the location of industry. Therefore, he uses Von Thunen’s idea (that the cost of transport determines crop selection) and applies it to industry. Similar to Von Thunen, the weight of the raw materials and the weight of the end product (this difference is known as the material index) will determine the site of production depending upon how much the industry is willing to pay to get its product to the market (connecting to Christaller’s ideas of market area). Weber’s theory rest primarily on four such sites, what he calls industrial orientations

  • Material orientation
  • Labor orientation
  • Transport orientation
  •  Market orientation

He analyzed the factors that determine the location of industry and classified these factors into two divisions. These are:

(i) Primary causes of regional distribution of industry (regional factors)

(ii) Secondary causes (agglomerative and deglomerative factors) that are responsible for redistribution of industry.

The three locational factors explained by weber in his theory of industrial location are:-

  • Transport cost
  • labour cost
  • agglomeration economies

Weber uses the location triangle within which the optimal is located based on the three locational factors.


Localization is the process of adapting products, services, and content to meet the language, cultural, and other requirements of a specific market. It is often used in international business to expand into new markets and reach a wider audience.

Localization can be applied to a wide range of industries, including technology, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. It can also be used for Marketing and advertising materials, websites, and Software.

The benefits of localization include:

  • Increased sales and revenue: By localizing your products and services, you can reach a wider audience and increase your sales and revenue.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: When customers can interact with your products and services in their own language and culture, they are more likely to be satisfied.
  • Reduced costs: Localization can help you to reduce costs in the long run by avoiding the need to translate and adapt your products and services multiple times.
  • Increased brand awareness: When you localize your products and services, you are also promoting your brand in a new market. This can lead to increased brand awareness and loyalty.

The challenges of localization include:

  • Cost: Localization can be a costly process, especially if you are not familiar with the target market.
  • Time: Localization can take time, especially if you are working with a large volume of content.
  • Resources: Localization requires specialized skills and resources, such as translators, editors, and cultural experts.
  • Quality control: It is important to ensure that your localized products and services are of high quality. This can be a challenge, especially if you are not familiar with the target market.

Despite the challenges, localization can be a very effective way to expand your business into new markets. If you are considering localization, it is important to carefully consider the costs, time, and resources involved. You should also make sure that you have a clear understanding of the target market and its needs.

Here are some tips for successful localization:

  • Start with a clear understanding of the target market. What are the language, cultural, and other requirements of the market?
  • Hire a qualified localization team. A localization team should have experience in the target market and the necessary skills and resources to complete the project.
  • Create a localization plan. The localization plan should include a timeline, budget, and scope of work.
  • test and quality control. It is important to test and quality control the localized products and services to ensure that they are of high quality.

Localization can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it can be a very effective way to expand your business into new markets. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success.

What is Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization?

Globalization is the process of increasing interconnectedness between countries and people. It is driven by the spread of technology, communication, and trade.

What are the benefits of globalization?

Globalization can lead to increased economic Growth, trade, and Investment. It can also lead to the spread of technology and ideas.

What are the challenges of globalization?

Globalization can lead to job losses in some countries, as companies move their operations to countries with lower labor costs. It can also lead to environmental problems, as companies produce more goods and services.

What is localization?

Localization is the process of adapting a product or service to a specific market or culture. It can involve translating text, adapting graphics, and changing the way a product is used.

What are the benefits of localization?

Localization can help companies to reach new markets and customers. It can also help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

What are the challenges of localization?

Localization can be a complex and time-consuming process. It can also be expensive, as it requires specialized skills and knowledge.

What are the different types of localization?

There are two main types of localization: linguistic localization and cultural localization. Linguistic localization involves translating text into a different language. Cultural localization involves adapting a product or service to a specific culture, such as by changing the way it is used or the way it is marketed.

What are the steps involved in localization?

The steps involved in localization vary depending on the product or service being localized. However, the general process involves the following steps:

  1. Planning: The first step is to plan the localization project. This involves identifying the target market, the goals of the localization project, and the resources that will be needed.
  2. Translation: The next step is to translate the text into the target language. This can be done by a professional translator or by using a translation software tool.
  3. Adaptation: The next step is to adapt the product or service to the target culture. This may involve changing the way it is used, the way it is marketed, or the way it is presented.
  4. Testing: The final step is to test the localized product or service to ensure that it is accurate and meets the needs of the target market.

What are the different types of localization tools?

There are a number of different types of localization tools available, including:

  • Translation memory tools: These tools store translations that have been done in the past and can be used to translate new text more quickly and accurately.
  • Terminology management tools: These tools help to ensure that the same terms are used consistently throughout a localized product or service.
  • Quality assurance tools: These tools help to identify and correct errors in localized text and code.

What are the future trends in localization?

The future trends in localization include the following:

  • Increased demand for localization: The demand for localization is expected to increase as more and more companies expand into new markets.
  • Increased use of localization tools: The use of localization tools is expected to increase as they become more sophisticated and affordable.
  • Increased focus on cultural localization: The focus on cultural localization is expected to increase as companies become more aware of the importance of adapting their products and services to different cultures.
  1. Which of the following is not a factor that affects the location of industries?
    (A) Transportation costs
    (B) Labor costs
    (C) Availability of raw materials
    (D) Government policies

  2. Which of the following is an example of a primary industry?
    (A) Manufacturing
    (B) agriculture
    (C) Construction
    (D) Retail trade

  3. Which of the following is an example of a secondary industry?
    (A) Manufacturing
    (B) Agriculture
    (C) Construction
    (D) Retail trade

  4. Which of the following is an example of a tertiary industry?
    (A) Manufacturing
    (B) Agriculture
    (C) Construction
    (D) Retail trade

  5. Which of the following is a characteristic of a developed country?
    (A) High per capita income
    (B) Low level of industrialization
    (C) High level of Unemployment
    (D) Low level of Urbanization

  6. Which of the following is a characteristic of a developing country?
    (A) Low per capita income
    (B) High level of industrialization
    (C) High level of unemployment
    (D) Low level of urbanization

  7. Which of the following is a factor that contributes to economic growth?
    (A) Increased investment
    (B) Increased productivity
    (C) Increased innovation
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a factor that contributes to economic inequality?
    (A) Unequal access to Education and EMPLOYMENT opportunities
    (B) Unequal distribution of wealth
    (C) Unequal access to healthcare and other social services
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is a type of economic system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state?
    (A) Capitalism
    (B) Socialism
    (C) Communism
    (D) Feudalism

  10. Which of the following is a type of economic system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals?
    (A) Capitalism
    (B) Socialism
    (C) Communism
    (D) Feudalism

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