JPSC Prelims notes for Science and Technology

Science & TechnologyFor Notes Click on the topics

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Physical Science

(I)System of Units: MKS, CGS and SI
(II)Definition of speed,velocity, gravity, mass, weight, force, impact, work,power and energy.
(III)Solar System, relative position of Earth with respect to Sun and other planets, movement of earth and moon in solar system, lunar and solareclipses
(IV) Concept and nature of Sound.Wave length and frequency, infrasonic and Ultrasonic sounds, Sources of Infrasonic sound In nature, Ultrasonic sound characteristics and some applications.

Life Science

(I)The living world, Cell-Structure and its functions, Diversity of organism ,
(II) Bio Molecules – structure and function of Carbohydrates, proteins and fats.VITAMINS and deficiency diseases, ENZYMES, HORMONES – Plant hormones and Growth regulation.Animal hormones and their functions.
(III) Reproduction-cell-cycle-mitosis-and-meiosis/”>Cell reproduction – Cell cycle Mitosis and Meiosis
(IV) Medallion Inheritance – Monohybrid and hybrid cross. Sex linked Inheritance, sex determination, DNA Structure & Function, DNA Replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene Regulation, Molecular basis of differentiation.
(V) Theories of Evolution of Life on earth, including HUMAN EVOLUTION .

agriculture Science

(I) Different agro-climatic zones of Jharkhand, rain fall pattern and known abiotic stresses tn each zone.
(II) Rain fed agriculture: Conventional food and horticultural crops of thet state.Need for diversification of crops for food as well as nutritional security in the wake of Climate change; Rain Water Harvesting and its role in improving agriculture output in Jharkhand; Fish farming
(III)Soil-fertility/”>Soil fertility status of Jharkhand- Application of Vermi compost and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) for improving soil Health. Nitrogen fixing bacteria; their applications and Concept of Organic Farming
(IV) Forestry-waste-lands-and-means-to-reclaim-them/”>Concept of Agro-forestry, Waste lands and means to reclaim them
(V) Government schemes for the benefit of the farmers of the state.

Science & Technology Development

(I) National Policy in Science and Technology;

(II)Energy demand of the country;

(III) Conventional and Non-conventional sources of energy;

(IV) Nuclear Energy : its merits and demerits; TRENDS IN Nuclear policy, NPT and CTBT.
Space Technology-lndian space programmes.Application of Satellites for different purposes; Indian missile programme; Remote sensing : GIS and its application In weather forecasting, disaster warning, mapping of water, soil, and mineral Resources etc;

(V)Biotechnology-in-agriculture-animal-breeding-pharmaceuticals-food-technology-and-environmental-conservation/”>Use of Biotechnology In Agriculture, animal breeding, pharmaceuticals, food technology, and environmental conservation; Possible adverse effects of biotechnological interventions;

(VI)National Health Policy : national programmes for prevention and control of Malaria, Leprosy,T.B., Cancer, Aids, Blindness etc


Science and technology are two of the most important fields in the world today. They are constantly evolving and changing, and it can be difficult to keep up with the latest developments. However, it is important to have a basic understanding of science and technology in order to be an informed citizen.

Science is the study of the natural world. It is a way of understanding how the world works and how things are related to each other. Science is based on evidence, and it is constantly being tested and refined.

Technology is the application of science to solve problems. It is the use of tools and machines to make our lives easier. Technology has changed the way we live in many ways, and it continues to evolve at a rapid pace.

Both science and technology are essential to our modern world. They have made our lives easier and more comfortable, and they have helped us to understand the world around us. However, they also pose some challenges. For example, science and technology can be used for destructive purposes, and they can also lead to environmental problems.

It is important to be aware of the benefits and challenges of science and technology. We need to use them wisely and responsibly in order to create a better future for all.

Here are some of the most important subtopics in science and technology:

  • Physics: Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. It is one of the oldest and most fundamental sciences, and it has many applications in other fields, such as engineering and chemistry.
  • Chemistry: Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and Properties of matter. It is a natural science that seeks to understand the fundamental laws of nature that govern the physical and chemical phenomena of our universe.
  • Biology: Biology is the study of life. It is a natural science with a broad scope but has several unifying themes that tie it together as a single, coherent field. For instance, all organisms are made up of cells that process hereditary information encoded in genes, which can be transmitted to future generations. Another major theme is evolution, which explains the unity and diversity of life. Energy processing is also important to life as it provides the chemical energy to drive the biological processes that support life.
  • Mathematics: Mathematics is the science of numbers, quantities, and shapes. It has been around for thousands of years, and it is used in many different fields, such as science, engineering, and finance.
  • Computer science: Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems. It is a broad field that includes the study of algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Statistics: Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and Communication of data. It is used in many different fields, such as business, economics, and science.
  • General knowledge: General knowledge is a broad term that refers to the knowledge of a wide range of topics. It includes knowledge of current events, history, geography, science, and technology.

These are just some of the most important subtopics in science and technology. There are many other subtopics that could be included, but these are a good starting point for anyone who wants to learn more about these fields.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about science and technology:

  1. What is science?
    Science is a way of knowing about the world around us. It is based on evidence and observation, and it uses logic and reasoning to explain the natural world.

  2. What is technology?
    Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It includes tools, machines, and other devices that are used to solve problems or improve our lives.

  3. What are some of the most important scientific discoveries?
    Some of the most important scientific discoveries include the discovery of the laws of motion, the theory of evolution, and the structure of DNA. These discoveries have had a profound impact on our understanding of the world and our place in it.

  4. What are some of the most important technological inventions?
    Some of the most important technological inventions include the printing press, the steam engine, and the computer. These inventions have had a profound impact on the way we live and work.

  5. What are some of the challenges facing science and technology today?
    Some of the challenges facing science and technology today include Climate Change, pollution, and the development of new technologies that could be used for harmful purposes.

  6. What are some of the ethical issues surrounding science and technology?
    Some of the ethical issues surrounding science and technology include the use of animals in research, the cloning of humans, and the use of Genetic engineering.

  7. What are some of the benefits of science and technology?
    Some of the benefits of science and technology include improved health care, increased productivity, and a better understanding of the world around us.

  8. What are some of the risks of science and technology?
    Some of the risks of science and technology include the development of new weapons, the pollution of the Environment, and the loss of jobs due to automation.

  9. What is the future of science and technology?
    The future of science and technology is uncertain, but it is likely that these fields will continue to play an important role in our lives. New technologies will be developed that will change the way we live and work, and scientists will continue to make new discoveries about the world around us.

  10. What can I do to learn more about science and technology?
    There are many ways to learn more about science and technology. You can take classes, read books and articles, watch documentaries, or visit museums and science centers. You can also talk to scientists and engineers, or participate in science fairs and other events.

1. Which of the following is not a type of energy?
(A) Kinetic energy
(B) Potential energy
(C) Chemical energy
(D) Electrical energy

2. Which of the following is not a force?
(A) Gravitational Force
(B) Electrostatic force
(C) Magnetic force
(D) Nuclear force

3. Which of the following is not a fundamental particle?
(A) Electron
(B) Proton
(C) Neutron
(D) Atom

4. Which of the following is not a property of Light?
(A) Wavelength
(B) Frequency
(C) Intensity
(D) Mass

5. Which of the following is not a type of Electromagnetic Wave?
(A) Radio wave
(B) Microwave
(C) Infrared light
(D) X-ray

6. Which of the following is not a type of matter?
(A) Solid
(B) Liquid
(C) Gas
(D) Plasma

7. Which of the following is not a property of matter?
(A) Mass
(B) Volume
(C) Density
(D) Temperature

8. Which of the following is not a type of Chemical Reaction?
(A) Synthesis
(B) Decomposition
(C) Combustion
(D) Nuclear fission

9. Which of the following is not a type of nuclear reaction?
(A) Fusion
(B) Fission
(C) Decay
(D) Transmutation

10. Which of the following is not a type of energy conversion?
(A) Mechanical to electrical
(B) Electrical to mechanical
(C) Chemical to thermal
(D) Nuclear to thermal

11. Which of the following is not a type of engine?
(A) Steam engine
(B) Internal combustion engine
(C) Electric motor
(D) Nuclear reactor

12. Which of the following is not a type of computer?
(A) Analog computer
(B) Digital computer
(C) Hybrid computer
(D) Quantum computer

13. Which of the following is not a type of Network?
(A) Local area network (LAN)
(B) Wide area network (WAN)
(C) Metropolitan area network (MAN)
(D) Personal area network (PAN)

14. Which of the following is not a type of Software?
(A) System software
(B) Application software
(C) Utility software
(D) Driver software

15. Which of the following is not a type of Database?
(A) Relational database
(B) Hierarchical database
(C) Network database
(D) Object-oriented database

16. Which of the following is not a type of programming language?
(A) High-level language
(B) Low-level language
(C) Machine language
(D) Assembly language

17. Which of the following is not a type of algorithm?
(A) Greedy algorithm
(B) Backtracking algorithm
(C) Dynamic programming algorithm
(D) Genetic algorithm

18. Which of the following is not a type of data structure?
(A) Array
(B) List
(C) Stack
(D) Queue

19. Which of the following is not a type of sorting algorithm?
(A) Bubble sort
(B) Selection sort
(C) Insertion sort
(D) Quicksort

20. Which of the following is not a type of searching algorithm?
(A) Linear search
(B) Binary search
(C) Interpolation search
(D) Hash table search

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