Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination New Scheme of Examination and Syllabus


The preliminary Examination shall consist of one compulsory paper, namely.
Studies of 200 marks. The question paper choices, objective type. The question paper
shall be multiple
will be set both in Hindi and English.
General Studies
Total Marks: 200 Time: 2 hours
The paper will consist of 100 each of 2 marks, from the subjects
objective type questions, drawn
listed below. Candidates will have to answer all the questions.

(A) History of India: Questions 15
LAncient India (5 questions)
2. Medieval India (5 questions)
3. Modern India (5 questions)

(B) Geography of India: 10 Questions
1. General Geography (3 questions)
2. Physical Geography (3 questions)
3. Economical Geography (2questions)
4.Social & Demographic Geography (2 questions)

(c) Indian Polity and Governance: 10 Questions
t.Constitution of India (4 questions)
2. Public Administration and Good Governance (4 questions)
3. Decentralization:Panchayats & Municipalities (2 questions)

(D) Economic and Sustainable Development: 10 Questions
1. Basic features of Indian economy (4 questions)
2. Sustainable Development and Economic issues (4 questions)
3.Economic Reforms and Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization (2 questions)

(E) Science & Technology: 15
1. General Science (6 questions)
2. agriculture & Technology Development (6 questions)
3. Information & Communication Technology (3 questions)

(F) Jharkhand Specific Questions (General Awarenes
of Us History,Society, Culture & Heritage): 10 Questions

(G) National International Current Events: 15

(H)General Questions of Miscellaneous nature
not requiring subject specialization,such as,
1.Human Rights Protection, Bio-diversity & Climate Change
2. Rnvironmcnta!
3. Urbanization
4. Sports
5. Disaster Management
6.POVERTY and UN-cmploymen
8. United Nations and other International Agencies


I Main txaminatiOn shad consist of six compulsory papers,
he common to
Jll I of these papers, marks,
vundrdates. vu> each of 100 shall be language based and the
remaining lour papers, of 200 marks, language-based
each shall be subject-based. The
papers shall be (i) paper of General Hindi & and (ii) A
A composite General English,
Language and Literature paper of certain selected languages of which even-
Hill upi one. social Science (HiMoiy
have L> lui The subject based papers shall be : (i) &
Geography, Indian Constitution. Polity. Public Administration and Good
Governance* Globalization und sustainable Development,
(iii) Indian Hconomy. and {iv)
Genera) Technolog\
Science. Environment &. Development.

lite alt the above six papers shall be as follows
detailed syllabic of :-


General Hindi and General English

Total Marks :IM) : 3 hours

The General Hindi and General bnglish compose
paper shall be a paper,
consisting of mo namely, and (ii) English. Both ihe
segments, (i) Hindi, segments shall
be of equal wcmlHacc o? purpose of the paper is to test the
i.e. each 50 marks. The
workint: candidates in the the questions
knowledge of the above two languages. As such,
to be asked this paper shall be of standard onl> and shall
in both the segments of matric
be areas :-
confined to the following

(A) Central 50 marks


Language and Literature
Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 hours
The candidates will have the choice to opt for one of the Following
Languages and Literatures :—
(t) Bangall Language and Literature,
[if] English Language and Literature,
(iiijHindi Language and Literature.
(iv) Ho Language and Literature,
(v) Khadia Language and Literature.
(vi)Khorta Language and Literature.
(vii)Kurmall Language and Literature,

(vlii) Language
Kuruk and Literature.
(Ix) Language and Literature
Muudari .
(x) Nagpuri Language and Literature.
(xi) Language ,
Orlyya and Literature
(xli)Panchparganla Language and Literature,
(xiil)Sanskrit Language and Literature
(xiv) Santhall Language and Literature.
(xv) Urdu Language And Literature.

This Paper will be set for a maximum of 100 marks and marks obtained
paper shall be counted for preparation of the gradation-list of the Mam
The detailed syltabli of the above 15 Languages and Literatures shall be

as follows:

(i) Bangali
Language and Literature
Full Marks; Time;
10O 3 hours
1. History of Bengali Literature : 1×15=15 marks
Origin and Development of Bengali Language
including cultural background of the Bengali
language and influence of the western world
(one general question to be
on It, answered)

2. Bengali Language related questions ;
3×5=15 marks
(a) Bengali
(b) ShabdaBhanda
(c) Dhwani Sutra

I 1

SOCIAL SCIENCES (History and Geography)
Total Marks: 3 hours
The question-paper of Social Sciences shall have two distinct sections;
one of History and the other one of Geography; each of 100 marks. The
candidates will be required to answer one compulsory and two optional
questions from each section Ic, six questions In all. The compulsory question
of each section, covering the entire syllabus of the concerned section, shall
have ten objective type questions, each of two marks (10×2*20 marks).
addition, there shall be four optional questions In each section of History and
Geography. Since there are four distinct sub-sections, both in History and
Geography,one question will be drawn from each sub-section as to make a
total of four optional questions In each of the two distinct sections of History
and Geography; of which candidates will be required to answer only two
questions; each of 40 marks. The optional questions shall be answered In the
traditional, descriptive style, requiring long-answers
Section (A) -History: 100 Marks

(A) Ancient Period
(i) The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship
and main features;
(iilOrigin of the Aryans
(iii) Antiquity and stratification of the Vedlc literature; Society,
economy and religion during Early (Rlg-Vedlc) period.
(iv) The Llchchavls and their republican constitution.
(v) The Rise of the Magadhan empire
(vi)The Mauryas : Extent of empire, Kalinga War and its Impact;
Asoka’s Dhamma, Foreign Policy, Development of Art &
Architecture during the Mauryan period
(vii) The Kushanas : Kanishka : Extent of empire, His religious policy;
Development of Art, Architecture and Letters during The Kushana
(viii) The Guptas : Extent of empire; development of language and’
Literature, art St architecture during the Gupta period.

(Ix) Harsha-Vardhan : The last great Hindu ruler of Northern India;
cultural achievements during his period.
(x) Cholas/”>The Cholas: Maritime activities in Sourth-east Asian counturies.
Chola administration, art & architecture.
(xi) Cultural Achievements of the Pallavas

(B) Medieval Period
(xii) The Arab Invasion of India
(xiii)The Ghaznavid Invasion of India.
[xlv] The Delhi Sultanate : Market and Military Reforms of AUauddin
Khiljl;Utopian policies of Muhainmad-bln-Tughlaq.
(xv) The Mongol invasion of India,
(xvl)Religious Movements; a) Suflsm,(b)Bhakti Movemnnt
(xvii)Dawn of a New-Islamic culture : Indo-Islamlc architecture;
Development of Urdu and Hindi languages.
(xviii) The Mughals ; First Battle of Panipatj Achievements of SherShah
Suri, Consolidation of MuRhal empire; Establishment nf Jagirdari
and Mansabdari systems under Akbar, Akbar’s Religious and
Rajput policies, Aurangzeb’s Religious and Rajput policies, Mughal
Architecture and Painting,Economic Condition during Mughal
(xix) The Rise of the Marathas : Achievements of Shlvajf,Northward
expansion of the Marathas and their downfall

Modem Period:
(xx)Beginning of European settlements:Formation and Growth of East
India Company; Consolidation of British power in India : Battles of
Plassey and Buxar; Control over Mysore; Subsidiary Alliance;
Doctrine of Lapse; Doctrine of Escheat
(xxi) Resistance to Colonial Rule; Peasant; Tribal and Cultural
Renaissance; Revolt of 1857
(xxil)Social Reforms Movements in Hindu Community : Brahma Samaj,
Arya Samaj, Ram Krishna Mission, Prarthann Samaj and
Theosophical Society of India.
(xxiii)Social Reforms Movements In Muslim Community : Wahabi
Movement & AliRarh Movement
(xxiv) Struggle for Raising Women‘s status : Abolition of Sati System,
Widow Marriage Act, Consent Bill,Stress on Female Education,
(xxv) Land Revenue Administration under the British rule : Permanent t
Settlement; Ryotwarl & Mahalwari Systems,
(xxvi) Rise of Nationalism in India in the 19th century : Formation of
Indian National Congress ; Moderates and Extremists; Swadeshi
Movement Home Rule League Movement; Khiiafat Movement ,
(xxvii) Mahatma Gandhi and Mass politics : Non-Co-oporation Movement
Civil Disobedience Movement Quit India Movement

(xxviii)The partition of India and its consequences

[xxix) India After Independence : Integration of Princely States in Indian Union; Linguistic Reorganization of States; Non-alligned
policy under Nehru and Indira Gandhi, Libration of Bangladesh.

(D) History of Jharkhand
(xxxj Le.Sarana of jharkhand tribals
Adi*dharma cult ;
(xxxt) Concept of Nagpurla
Sadan and emergence of language;
(xxxil)Tribal Revolts in Jharkhand and Naionalist struggle;
[xxxili)Birsa Movement,
(XXJCJV)Tana Bhagat Movement,
(xxxv) Freedom Movement in Jharkhand.

Scctiou (B) – Geography: 100 Marks

(A) Physical Geography (General Principles) :
(I) Origin and evolution ol earth, interior of earth, Wegner’s
Continental Drift Theory; Plate tectonics.Volcanoes-2/”>Volcanoes, Earthquakes
and Tsunamis
(ii)Major Types of Rocks and their characteristics, evolution and
characteristics of landformsin the Fluvial, Glacial, Arid and Karst
(in) Geomorphic processes; Weathering, mass wasting, erosion and
deposition,Soil formation,Landscape cycles, ideas of Davis and
(LV)Atmosphere/”>Composition, Structure and Stratification of the atmosphere
(v) Insolation,heat budget of the earth.
(vi) Horizontal and vertical Distribution of Temperature, inversion of
(vii) Air masses and fronts. Tropical and temperate Cyclones-2/”>Cyclones.

(vtii) Evaporation-and-condensation/”>Evaporation and Condensation: dew, frost, fog, mist and cloud,
rainfall types.
(ix)Classification of climates, (Koppen and Thornthwaite),
Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming and climatic changes
(x) Hydrological Cycle, distribution of temperature and solicits in the
Oceans and seas, waves,tides and currents, ocean floor relief features,
(S) Physical and Human Geography of India ;
(xi) Structure, relief and physiographic divisions.Drainage Systems
Himalayan and the Peninsular.
(xii)Indian monsoon, mechanism, onset and retreat, climatic types
(Koppen and Trcwartha).Green Revolution and its impact on
Major Crops of India. Food scarcity
(xlll) Natural Vegetation-Forest types and distribution, wild life,
conservation, Biosphere-reserves/”>Biosphere reserves.
(xiv)Major types of Soils.(ICAR classification) and their distribution.
Soil degradation and conservation
(xv) Natural Hazards : Floods, Droughts, Cyclones, Landslides,

(xvl) Population growth, distribution and density
(xvli)Age: Sex, ratio, rural-urban composition;

(xvtli)Population, environment and developmpnt
(xlx)Types of Settlements : rural and urban. Urban morphology;
functional classification of urban settlements Problems of human
settlement in India.
(C) Natural Resources of India; Development and Utilization
Land Resources i General land use, agricultural land use,
(xx) geographical condition and distribution of major crops, like,Rice,
Wheat,Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Rubber, Tea and Coffee,

fxxi) Water Resources : Availability and utilization for industrial and
other purposes, Irrigation, scarcity of water, methods of
conscrvatlon-Rain Water Harvesting and Watershed Management,
ground water management.
(xxH)Minerals and Energy Resources : Distribution and utility of [a]
metaiic minerals (ion Ore, copper, bauxite, magnese), (b) non-
metallic and conventional minerals [coal,petroleum and natural
gas), (cj hydro electricity and non conventional sources of energy
(Solar, Wind, bio-gas),(d) energy sources Their distribution and
(xxiii) Development Of Industries : Types of Industries;factors of
industrial location, distribution and changing pattern of selected
industries [iron and steel, cotton textile, sugar and petro-
chemicals); Weber’s theory of industrial locatlon-lts relevance in
the modern world.
(xxiv) Transport, Communication and International Trade :
Roads, railways and water ways.
Bases of International trade, changing pattern of India’s ‘
Foreign Trade.
(D) Geography of Iharkhand and Utilization of its Resources :
(xxv) Geological history,Landforms, drainage, climate, Soil Types and
forests; agriculture and irrigation,Damodar & Suberna rekha
valley projects; mineral resources of Jharkhand,their extraction
and utilization,
(xxvi)Population : Growth, distribution, density; Tribal population and
their distribution.Problems of Tribes and Tribal development
Plans; their customs,rituals,festivals etc
(xxvii)Industrial and urban development. Major industries-Iron, Steel
and Cement; industries,
(xxviiI)Pattern of urban settlement and Pollution Problems


The question-paper of the Indian Constitution, Polity and Public
Administration shall consist of two distinct sections Le. one on Indian
Constitution and Policy, and the other one on Public Administration & Good
Governance,each of 100 marks. The candidates will be required to answer
one compulsory and two optional questions from each section. The
compulsory question of each section, covering the entire syllabus of the
concerned section, shall have ten objective type of questions, each of two
marks (10×2=20]. In addition, there shall be four optional questions In
each section, of which candidates will be required to answer only two questions,
The optional questions shall be answered in the traditional
descriptive form; requiring long answers.
Section (A) – Indian Constitution and Polity
(I) Preamble of the Indian Constitution (Secular, Democratic and
SocialisO-Phtlosophy behind It
(II) Salient Features of the Indian Constitution. Concept of Public Interest
Litigation; Basic structure of the Indian Constitution.
(III)Fundamental Rights & Duties
(i V) Directive Principles of the State Policy
(V) Union Government :
(a) Union Executive ; Powers And Functions Of President, Vice
President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers :
Functioning under a Coalition Government.
(b) Union Legislature : Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha: 0rgani7ation
and Functions; Law making process; Parliamentary Committees;
Parliament’s control over Executive; Privileges and immunities of
Parliament and its Members
(c) Union Judiciary : The Supreme Court ; its roic and powers-
Justice/”>Principles Of Natural Justice & Rule of Law, Judicial Review and
(V[) State Government
(a) State Executive : Powers And Functions Of Governor, Chief
Minister and the Council of Ministers
(b) State Legislature : Organization, Powers and functions, with
special reference to Jharkhand
(c)State Judiciary; High Court: Organization, Powers and functions;
Subordinate Judiciary. and the Municipalities : Constitution, powers,
The Panchayats
functions and responsibilities with special reference to 73rd and
74th Constitutional amendments
(VII)Centre-State Relationship:Administrative, Legislative and Financial .
(Vill) Provisions relating tu Administration of Scheduled Areas and
Scheduled Tribal Areas.
(IX)Special provisions relating to reservation of seats for S C and ST. in
Legislature,Services etc
(X) Emergency Provisions of the Constitution
(XI)Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG) .
(XII)Election Commission of India
(XIII) Political Parties and Pressure Groups.
Section (B) Public Administration & Good Governance

(XIV) Public Administration : Introduction, meaning, scope and

(XV) Public and Private Administration

(XVI) Union Administration : Central Secretariat,Cabinet Secretariat, Prime
Minister’s Office, Planning Commission, Finance Commission.

(XVII) State Administration : State Secretariat, Chief Secretary. Chief
Minister’s Office.

(XVIIi) District Administration : Origin and development of the office of the
District Magistrate and Collector; Changing Role
Collector; Impact of the separation of Judiciary on District

(XIX) Personnel Administration : Recruitment of Civil Services :Union
Public Service Commission and The State Public Service Commission;
Training of Civil Servants; Leadership-and-its-qualities/”>Leadership and its qualities; Employee’s
Morale and Productivity

(XX) Delegation, Centralization and de-centrailzatlon of authority.

(XXI) Bureaucracy : Origin; its merits and demerits; Role of Bureaucracy in
Policy formulation and its Implementation. Nexus between
Bureaucracy and Political Executive;Generalise versus Specialist.

(XXII) Development Administration
(XXIII)Disaster Management ; Causes, Meaning and Classification of
Disaster; Disaster Mitigation;Immediate and Long-term measures
(XXIV) Good Governance ; Meaning and concept of Good and Responsive
Governance; Main features of Good Governance : Accountability,
Transparency, Honesty and Quick Delivery; Role of Civil Society and
Peoples Participation in Good Governance. Grievance Rcdrcssal
Mechanism : Lokpal,Lokayukta-2/”>Lokayukta, Central Vigilance Commissioner:
Citizens’ Charter ; Object, Machinery and Measures provided In (i)
Right To Service Act; (ii)Right To Information act; (ill) Right to
Education Act; (iv)The Consumer protection Act; (v) Domestic
Violence Against Women (Prevention) Act; (vi) Old Age Act.

(XXV) Human Rights:Concept and Meaning; Universal Declaration of Human
Rights; National Human Rights Commission; State Human Rights
Commission; Human Rights and Social Issues; Human Rights and


Total Marks: 3 hours
200 Time:

The question-paper on Indian Economy, Globalization and Sustainable
Development shall consist of five sections. Section 1 shall be compulsory. This
section shall contain twenty objective questions each of two marks (20*2=40
marks). The twenty objective questions of this section shall be drawn from
the entire syllabus of the paper; of which questions will be drawn from
Group A, 6 from Group B,4 from Group C and 4 from Group D of the syllabus-
Section II, lit, IV & V of the question-paper shall have two optional questions
each; drnwn respectively from Groups A, B,C & of the syllabus, of which the
candidates will be required to answer one question from each group, each
question carrying 40 marks- Thus,altogether the candidates will be required
to answer one objective type Lompulsory question, carrying 40 marks, and 4
optional questions,each carrying 40 marks. The optional questions shall he
answered in the traditional, descriptive form; requiring long answers

Group (A) – Basic Features of Indian Economy
0) NATIONAL INCOME ; Elementary concepts of national Income and
methods of its calculation e-g,GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP, CSDP. NSDP, DDP at
constant and current prices, at Factor Cost etc;
(II) Inflation : Concept control of inflation : monetary, fiscal and direct
(III)Demographic features : Work force composition, demographic dividend
with special reference to census of 2011; National Population Polict
(IV) Agriculture and Rural Economy : Importance of agriculture in national
economy; agricultural growth in India-production & productivity;
causes of low productivity and measures taken by government to
improve agricultural production; Green Revolution, Ever Green
Revolution and Rainbow revolution; WTO and agriculture.Marketing
and pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs.
(V) Industrial Economy: Policy Initiative & charges
(VI) PUBLIC FINANCE : nature, importance and scope of public finance; Public
Revenue-Principles and types of Taxation; direct, indirect, progressive
and proportional, concept of VAT.
(VII) Public Expenditure : Theories of public expenditure; causes of growth
of public expenditure and its impact on economy; internal and external
(VIII) Budget : Principles of BUDGETING; types of budgettng-pprfnrmanrp-
based.Zeroised; FRMD
(IX) Fiscal Policy : Concept and role of fiscal policy in achieving
EMPLOYMENT, stability and Economic Development.

(X) Centre-State fiscal relationship,role of Finance Commission; Financial
aspects of 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments.
(XI) Structure of Indian monetary and Banking system in India.
(XI)(A) Composition and direction of India’s trade; Balance of Payment

Group (8) – Sustainable Development, Economic Issues and Indian
Development Strategy
(XII) Meaning and Measurement of Economic Development; Characteristics
of Under Development.
(XIII) Indicators of development: HD1, GDI,GEM; India’s HDI progress .

(XIV) Rote of Foreign capital & technology in growth of economy.
(XV) Sustainable development : concept and indicators of sustainable
development; economic,social and environmental sustainability;
concept of Green GDP; Strategy and policy for sustainable development
in India
(XVJ) Meaning of Inclusive Growth and development policy and strategy
during 11th and 12th Five Year Plans.
(XVII) Development status and Issues pertaining to socially and economically

marginalised sections, like STs, SCs, religious minorities,backward
castes and women; schemes launched for their development by
Central/State Governments, including TSP, SCSP and minorities
(XVIII)Poverty and Un-employment:Measurements arid trends; identification
of DPI families, HPt, Multl Dimensional Indian poverty index.
(XIX)Food and Nutritional Security : Trends In Food production and
consumption in India; Problem of Food Security : Problems and issues
of storage,procurement distribution,import and export: Government
policies,schemes and programmes such as, PDS, ICDS and Mid-day
Meal etc.
(XX) Governmental policies for food and nutritional security.
(XXI)Planning Strategy : Objectives and strategy of Indian Five Year Plans;
Functions and Role of NOG, Planning Commission.

(XXII) Decentralized planning : Meaning and importance; and
decentralised planning; major initiatives in India-

Group (C) – Economic Reforms, Nature and Impact on Indian Economy
(XXI1J) New economic Reforms-Liberalization-2/”>Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization,
rationale and need for reforms, International financial institutions IMF,
World Bank. WTO, their role and impact on Indian economy
(XXIV)Financial and Banking sector reforms, economic reforms and rural
banking impact on rural credit:sources and problems of rural credit,
institutional credit,SHG, micro finance, NABARD, RRBs, Scheduled*
Commercial Banks, rural co-operatives, Financial Inclusion
(XXV) Globalization of Indian economy ; its positive and negative impacts on
different sectors, issues of FD1 and Fll in India.
(XXVI)Agricultural sector reforms and its impact on growth; issues of
subsidies and public Investment on agriculture, reforms and agrarian
iris is,

(XXVII)lndustrial development and Economic Reforms In India : Major changes
in Industrial Policy, its impact on industrial growth and problems of
SMEs; role of’ Public Sector enterprises in India’s industrialization in
post reforms period; Disinvestment and Privatisation of Pubiic

Group (D) – Economy of Jharkhand: Features,Issues, Challenges and Strategics
(XXVIII)Economic growth and structure of Jharkhand’seconomy, sectoral
composition, growth in SDP and per capita NSDP In last decade,
Agricultural and industrial growth in jharkhand
(XXIX)Demographic features of Jharkhand : Population Growth, sex ratio,
density, Literacy,composition of work force, rural-urban composition
etc. with special reference to Census of 2001 and 2011,inter district
(XXX) Status of poverty, Unemployment, food security, Malnutrition,
education and Health-indicators/”>Health Indicators In Jharkhand, major initiatives, Issues
of agricultural and rural development, major programs and schemes;
Poverty Alleviation programs; PURA,Bharat Nirman,MGNREGA,
PMGSY, SCSY, 1AY, NRLM etc. Food security schemes
(XXXI) Land, forest and environmental issuesin Jharkhand : Land reforms and
agrarian relations, tribal land alienation, development induced
displacement of people;its impacts and policy initiatives; Forest issues
and implementation of FRA, Environmental Degradation and State
policy to deal with to,
(XXXH)Pivc year plans in Jharkhand strategy and achievement in X and Xlth
plan, TSP and SCSP, Public finance trends in Jharkhand,Industrial
policy in Jharkhand and industrial development


Total Marks; 3 hours
200 Time;

The question paper of General Science, Environment & Technology
Development shall have six sections. Section – shall have 20 objective type
of questions, each of 2 marks (20 « 40 Questions for this section
will be drawn at the rate of four questions from each ol the five Groups of the
syllabus. Sections H( IV, V and VI question paper shall have two
optiona! questions each, drawn respectively from Groups A, 0, D and E of
the syllabus; of which candidates will be required to answer only one
question from each group,each question carrying 32 marks. Optional
questions shall bo answered in the traditional manner,requiring descriptive
answers, not exceeding 500 to 600 words. Thus, altogether candidates will
required to answer one objective type compulsory question (40 marks) and
five descriptive type optional questions (5*32″ 160 marks).

Group (A) -Physical Science
(I)System of Units: MKS, COS and SI
(II)Definition of speed,velocity, gravity, mass, weight, force, impact, work,
power and energy.
(III)Solar System, relative position of Earth with respect to Sun and other
planets, movement of earth and moon in solar system, lunar and solar

(IV) Concept and nature of Sound.Wave length and frequency, infrasonic
and Ultrasonic sounds, Sources of Infrasonic sound In nature,
Ultrasonic sound characteristics and some applications.
Group (0} – Life Science
(I)The living world, Cell-Structure and its functions, Diversity of organism ,
(II) Bio Molecules – structure and function of Carbohydrates, proteins and
fats.VITAMINS and deficiency diseases, ENZYMES, HORMONES – Plant
hormones and growth regulation.Animal hormones and their
(HI) Reproduction-cell-cycle-mitosis-and-meiosis/”>Cell reproduction – Cell cycle Mitosis and Meiosis
(IV) Medallion Inheritance – Monohybrld and Dlhybrid cross. Sex Einked
Inheritance, sex determination, DNA Structure & Function, DNA
Replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene Regulation, Molecular basis of

(V) Theories of Evolution of Life on earth, including Human Bvolution .
Group (C) – Agriculture Science
(1) Different agro-climatic zones of Jharkhand, rain fall pattern and known
abiotic stresses tn each zone.

(If) Rain fed agriculture: Conventional food and horticultural crops of thet
state.Need for diversification of crops for food as well as nutritional
security in the wake of Climate Change; Rain water harvesting and its
role in improving agriculture output in Jharkhand; Fish farming
(MI)Soil fertility status of Jharkhand- Application of Vermi compost and
Farm Yard Manure (FYM) for improving soil health. Nitrogen fixing
bacteria; their applications and Concept of Organic Farming
(IV) Forestry-waste-lands-and-means-to-reclaim-them/”>Concept of Agro-forestry, Waste lands and means to reclaim them
(V) Government schemes for the benefit of the farmers of the state.

Group (D) –
Environmental Science

Concept of Ecosystem, Structure and Function of Ecosystem. Natural

resources-Renewable and Non renewable resources, Environmental

Conservatlon-in situ and ex situ conservation, Pollution-Air, Water, Sound

and Soil Solid Waste Management; Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity: concept, hotspou, threats to

biodiversity; Global Environmental Issues: Climate change. Global warming,
Ozone layer depletion.Acid Rain, Desertification, Environmental Laws-The
Environment (Protection) Act, The Air [Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act Forest Conservation

Group (E) – Science & Technology Development

National Policy nn Science and Technology; Energy demand of the
country; Conventional and Non-conventional sources of energy; Nuclear
Energy : its merits and demerits; TRENDS IN Nuclear policy, NPT and CTBT.
Spuce Technolu&y-lndlan space programmes.Application of Satellites for
different purposes; Indian missile programme; Remote sensing : GIS and its
application In weather forecasting, disaster warning, mapping of water, soil,
and mineral resources etc; Use of Biotechnology in agriculture, animal
breeding, pharmaceuticals, food technology, and environmental conservation;
Possible adverse effects of bfotechnological interventions; Information
technology: Computers and its application in data processing, data
programmes, Cybercrime and cyber laws.

National Health Policy : national programmes for prevention and control
of Malaria, Leprosy,T.B., Cancer, Aids, Blindness etc


– 1 (*r


Revised Scheme Minimum b
of Examination for
Duration Maximum
Civil Qualifying Remarks
(Hours) Marks
General Studies 2 200 pCr
f thC
Advertisement TYPE |
(No optional subjects. All are common compulsory papers)
General Hindi & General
English, having two separate sections As per the DESCRIPTIVE
3 hours 10
on (i) General Hindi, and (ii) General Advertisement TYPE
English, each of .
50 marks
Language and Literature:
Under this paper,
every candidate will
have to opt for one Language and 3 hours 10 1 AS ABOVE AS ABOVE
Literature out of fifteen listed by the f I
Paper-Ill : Social Sciences, i
two distinct sections on (i) History (ii) 3 hours 200 AS ABOVli AS ABOVE
each of equal weightage
Geographv, .
Paper-TV : Indian Constitution &
Polity, Good 3 200 AS ABOVE AS
Public Administration &
Paper-V : Indian Economy,
Globalization and Sustainable 3 hours 200 AS ABOVli AS ABOVE
General Sciences,
Environment & Technology 3 hours 200 AS ABOVE AS
Development 1
At the discretion i

Total Marks (Main Examination) [000 of

100 – –
Personality Test *

Grand Total 4 (100


The Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination (JSSC CSE) is a state-level competitive examination conducted by the Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) for recruitment to various Group A, B, and C posts in the state government of Jharkhand. The examination is held annually and consists of two stages: a preliminary examination and a main examination.

The preliminary examination is a qualifying examination and consists of two papers: General Studies and English Language. The main examination consists of four papers: General Studies, English Language, Mathematics, and Optional Subject.

The syllabus for the JSSC CSE is vast and covers a wide range of topics. The General Studies paper covers topics such as Indian Polity and Governance, Indian Economy, Geography of India, History of India, and Current Affairs. The English Language paper covers topics such as Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing. The Mathematics paper covers topics such as Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, and Calculus. The Optional Subject paper covers any one subject from the following list: History, Political Science, Economics, Geography, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Philosophy, Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Technology, Law, Education, Library Science, Journalism, and Mass Communication.

The JSSC CSE is a difficult examination and requires a lot of preparation. The best way to prepare for the examination is to start early and to study regularly. It is also important to practice solving past year papers. There are a number of coaching institutes that offer preparation for the JSSC CSE. However, it is also possible to prepare for the examination on your own.

The JSSC CSE is a great opportunity for those who want to pursue a career in the state government of Jharkhand. The examination offers a number of attractive benefits, including a good salary, job security, and a chance to serve the people of Jharkhand.

Here are some tips for preparing for the JSSC CSE:

  • Start early and study regularly.
  • Practice solving past year papers.
  • Join a coaching institute or prepare on your own.
  • Stay focused and motivated.
  • Believe in yourself and your abilities.

Good luck!

What is the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination?

The Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination is a state-level examination conducted by the Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) to recruit candidates for various Group A, B, and C posts in the state government of Jharkhand.

What is the new scheme of examination and syllabus for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination?

The new scheme of examination and syllabus for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination was introduced in 2020. The examination now consists of two papers: Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is a general knowledge paper, while Paper II is a subject-specific paper. The syllabus for Paper I includes topics such as Indian history, geography, polity, economics, and general science. The syllabus for Paper II varies depending on the post being applied for.

What are the eligibility criteria for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination?

The eligibility criteria for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination vary depending on the post being applied for. However, some general eligibility criteria include being a citizen of India, being of a minimum age of 21 years and a maximum age of 35 years (relaxable for certain categories), and having a graduate degree from a recognized university.

What is the application process for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination?

The application process for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination is conducted online through the JPSC website. Candidates can apply for the examination by filling out an online application form and submitting the required documents. The application fee is Rs. 500 for general candidates and Rs. 250 for SC/ST candidates.

What is the schedule of the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination?

The schedule of the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination is announced by the JPSC on its website. The examination is usually conducted in the month of June or July.

What are the results of the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination?

The results of the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination are announced by the JPSC on its website. The results are usually declared in the month of August or September.

What are the benefits of clearing the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination?

The benefits of clearing the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination are numerous. Candidates who clear the examination are eligible for appointment to various Group A, B, and C posts in the state government of Jharkhand. The posts offered are highly competitive and offer attractive salaries and benefits.

  1. The Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination is conducted by the Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) to recruit candidates for various posts in the state government.
  2. The examination is held in two stages: the preliminary examination and the main examination.
  3. The preliminary examination is a qualifying examination, and the main examination is a competitive examination.
  4. The preliminary examination consists of two papers: General Studies and Aptitude Test.
  5. The main examination consists of six papers: General Studies, Essay, English, Hindi, Optional Subject I, and Optional Subject II.
  6. The syllabus for the preliminary examination is as follows:

General Studies:

  • Indian Polity and Governance
  • Indian Economy
  • General Science
  • Current Affairs
  • History of India
  • Geography of India
  • Culture of India

Aptitude Test:

  • Logical Reasoning
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Data Interpretation

  • The syllabus for the main examination is as follows:

General Studies:

  • Indian Polity and Governance
  • Indian Economy
  • General Science
  • Current Affairs
  • History of India
  • Geography of India
  • Culture of India


  • The candidate will be required to write an essay on a topic of general interest.


  • The candidate will be required to answer questions on grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and usage.


  • The candidate will be required to answer questions on grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and usage.

Optional Subject I:

  • The candidate will be required to answer questions on a subject of his/her choice.

Optional Subject II:

  • The candidate will be required to answer questions on a subject of his/her choice.

  • The examination is held in two shifts: the morning shift and the afternoon shift.

  • The morning shift starts at 10:00 AM and ends at 12:00 PM.
  • The afternoon shift starts at 2:00 PM and ends at 4:00 PM.
  • The duration of the preliminary examination is 2 hours.
  • The duration of the main examination is 3 hours.
  • The minimum qualifying marks for the preliminary examination are 30%.
  • The minimum qualifying marks for the main examination are 40%.
  • The selection of candidates is based on their performance in the preliminary examination and the main examination.
  • The final merit list is prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in the main examination.
  • The candidates who are selected in the final merit list are called for an interview.
  • The interview is conducted by a selection committee.
  • The interview is of 30 minutes duration.
  • The marks obtained in the interview are added to the marks obtained in the main examination to arrive at the final marks.
  • The candidates who are selected in the final merit list are appointed to various posts in the state government.

The following are some MCQs on the topics mentioned above:

  1. The Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination is conducted by which of the following bodies?
    (A) Jharkhand Public Service Commission
    (B) Jharkhand Administrative Service
    (C) Jharkhand Police Service
    (D) Jharkhand Forest Service

  2. The preliminary examination for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination consists of how many papers?
    (A) 1
    (B) 2
    (C) 3
    (D) 4

  3. The main examination for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination consists of how many papers?
    (A) 2
    (B) 3
    (C) 4
    (D) 5

  4. The syllabus for the preliminary examination for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination includes which of the following subjects?
    (A) Indian Polity and Governance
    (B) Indian Economy
    (C) General Science
    (D) All of the above

  5. The syllabus for the main examination for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination includes which of the following subjects?
    (A) Indian Polity and Governance
    (B) Indian Economy
    (C) General Science
    (D) All of the above

  6. The minimum qualifying marks for the preliminary examination for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination are:
    (A) 30%
    (B) 40%
    (C) 50%
    (D) 60%

  7. The minimum qualifying marks for the main examination for the Jharkhand State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination are:
    (A) 30

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