Jharkhand Agriculture Part 2



Pattern of Land utilization : Area for Land utilization NA, Forests NA.  Not available for cultivation NA. Permanent pastures and other grazing lands NA. Land under misc. Tree crops and  groves NA. culturable waste land NA. Fallow lands other than current fallows NA. current fallows NA. Net area sown NA. Area  sown more than once NA. Total cropped area  NA.

Area under Principal Crops (in thousand hectare) : Rice  1481, Jowar 4, Bajara 4. Maize 90, Ragi 40, Small  Millets 24. Wheat 64, Barely 12,Gram NA. Tur 24, other pulses 93. Total pulses 116. Ground nut NA. Sesamum 15, Rapeseed and mustard NA. Linseed 7. Castor seed NA, Total oil seed 45. Cotton lint  NA. Jute NA.   Mesta I.  Tea NA.  Coffee NA. Natural rubber NA. Banana NA. Sugar cane 4. Tobacco NA. Potato NA. Black pepper NA. Turmeric  NA. Chillies (dry) NA. Ginger (dry)NA. Coconut NA.

Production of Principal Crops (in thousand tonne) : Rice 1645,  Jowar  2, Bajara 2, Maize 114.Ragi 25,  Small millets 12,  Wheat 104, Barely 11,  Gram NA, Tur 29, other pulses 65. Total pulses 94. Ground nut NA. Sesamum 15, Rapeseed and mustard NA,  Linseed 4, Castor seed NA. Total oil seed 28. Cotton lint NA. Jute 2  Mesta 8,  Tea NA.  Coffee NA.  Natural  rubber NA. Banana NA. Sugar cane 145 Tobacco NA., Potato NA., Black pepper NA., Turmeric NA.  Chillies (dry) NA. Ginger (dry) NA. Coconut NA.

Average Field of Principal Crops (quintals per hectare):  Rice 11.1, Jowar 5.9,  Bajara 4.7,  Maize 127,  Ragi 6.2,  Small millets 4 9, Wheat 16 3. Barely 8.9. Gram NA. Tur 12  4. other pulses 7.0. Total pulses 8.1, Ground nut NA, Sesamum   5.0, Rapeseed  and mustard NA, Linseed   SA  Castor seed NA. Total oil seed 6.3, Cotton lint NA, Jute NA, Mesta  7.2, Tea NA. Coffee NA. Natural rubber NA, Banana NA, Sugar cane 381.3, Tobacco NA. Potato NA. Black pepper NA. Turmeric NA. Chillies (dry) NA,  Ginger (dry) NA, Coconut NA.

Livestock and Poultry Population (in thousand number) : Cattle,  Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats, Horse and Ponies,  Other livestock, Total livestock Poultry.

Cattle and Buffaloes used for work only (in thousand numbers ) : Cattle,  Buffaloes, Total Cattle and Buffaloes used for  work only .

Production of Milk (in thousand tonne) : Cow milk. Buffalo  milk. Goat milk. Total.

Production of Raw Wool and Eggs : Eggs production in crore numbers. Raw Wool Totel  Production in thousand tone.

Jharkhand is endowed with  vast and rich natural Resources,mainly Minerals  and forests, 80 per cent of its population residing in 32620 villages depend  mainly on agriculture and allied activ ities  for their livehood one of the main  strategies for development of the Jahrkhand state is to ensure agricultural  rural development on a  sustainable basis. Capacity building is  the local point   for any development endeavor.

In the agriculture sector there is scope for bringing additional area under cultivation through vertical and horizontal expansion, increasing  the area under Irrigation,  raising production and productivity of Food Crops through optimum utilization of inputs like seeds, Fertilizers,  pesticides,  agricultural tools and implements.


Besides these, horticultural development has vast potential not only in terms of meeting the local requirements of fruits, vegetables, flowers and  medicinal and aeromatic Plants but also in terms of   exploiting the opportunities for exports. Similar is the situation with the livestock enterprises with respect  to increasing milk,meat and egg production There is a vast scope in the state for establishing Food Processing units.

Principal foodgrains  crops are paddy, wheat, maize and pulzes. Besides  the strong mineral


base, the basis of the economy is agriculture and allied activities. The State of Jharkhand has a total geographical area of 79.7 lakh  ha. out of which cultivable land is 38 lakh ha. and the present net sown area is 18.04 lakh ha .The  net irritated area is only 1.57 lakh ha which is 8%of the net sown area  More than 29%  land is covered as forest



areas and 25% of land is coveed as sown areas.




Jharkhand is a state in eastern India. It is the 14th largest state in India by area and the 28th most populous state. The state is known for its natural beauty, including its forests, hills, and rivers. Jharkhand is also home to a number of important industries, including mining, steel, and power generation.

Agriculture is an important part of the economy of Jharkhand. The state is a major producer of rice, wheat, maize, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, and fruits. Jharkhand is also home to a number of livestock, including cattle, buffalo, goats, sheep, and poultry.

The State Government has taken a number of steps to promote agriculture in Jharkhand. These include providing subsidies to farmers, investing in agricultural research and development, and improving agricultural Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE. The government has also implemented a number of programs to help farmers adopt new technologies and practices.

As a result of these efforts, agriculture in Jharkhand has seen significant Growth in recent years. The state is now self-sufficient in rice production and is a major exporter of wheat and maize. Jharkhand is also home to a number of successful agricultural cooperatives.

The future of agriculture in Jharkhand looks bright. The state has the potential to become a major agricultural producer in India. With continued government support and Investment, Jharkhand can achieve its goal of becoming a “food bowl” for the country.

Here are some of the challenges that the agricultural sector in Jharkhand faces:

  • Low productivity: The productivity of agriculture in Jharkhand is low compared to other states in India. This is due to a number of factors, including poor irrigation facilities, lack of access to modern agricultural technologies, and low levels of Education among farmers.
  • Inefficient Marketing system: The marketing system for agricultural products in Jharkhand is inefficient. This leads to low prices for farmers and high prices for consumers.
  • Dependence on monsoon rains: Agriculture in Jharkhand is heavily dependent on monsoon rains. This makes the sector vulnerable to droughts and floods.
  • Pests and diseases: Pests and diseases are a major problem for agriculture in Jharkhand. This leads to crop losses and increased costs for farmers.
  • Land degradation: Land degradation is a major problem in Jharkhand. This is due to deforestation, overgrazing, and unsustainable agricultural practices.

Despite these challenges, the agricultural sector in Jharkhand has the potential to grow and contribute to the state’s economy. The government needs to take steps to address the challenges facing the sector. This includes improving irrigation facilities, providing access to modern agricultural technologies, and increasing the levels of education among farmers. The government also needs to improve the marketing system for agricultural products and reduce the dependence on monsoon rains. Finally, the government needs to take steps to address the problem of land degradation.

With the right policies and investments, the agricultural sector in Jharkhand can play a major role in the state’s Economic Development.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Jharkhand agriculture, part 2:

  1. What are the main crops grown in Jharkhand?

The main crops grown in Jharkhand are rice, wheat, maize, pulses, oilseeds, and vegetables.

  1. What are the main challenges facing agriculture in Jharkhand?

The main challenges facing agriculture in Jharkhand are low productivity, lack of irrigation, poor infrastructure, and lack of access to credit.

  1. What are the government’s initiatives to promote agriculture in Jharkhand?

The government of Jharkhand has implemented a number of initiatives to promote agriculture, including the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY), the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), and the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN).

  1. What are the benefits of agriculture to the Jharkhand economy?

Agriculture is a major contributor to the Jharkhand economy, accounting for about 20% of the state’s GDP. Agriculture provides EMPLOYMENT to about 60% of the state’s population.

  1. What are the opportunities for investment in agriculture in Jharkhand?

There are a number of opportunities for investment in agriculture in Jharkhand, including the development of irrigation infrastructure, the promotion of high-value crops, and the development of value-added processing industries.

  1. What are the challenges to investment in agriculture in Jharkhand?

The main challenges to investment in agriculture in Jharkhand are the lack of infrastructure, the poor quality of land, and the lack of skilled labor.

  1. What are the government’s plans to address the challenges to investment in agriculture in Jharkhand?

The government of Jharkhand has plans to address the challenges to investment in agriculture by developing infrastructure, improving the quality of land, and providing training to farmers.

  1. What are the prospects for agriculture in Jharkhand in the future?

The prospects for agriculture in Jharkhand in the future are good. The state has a number of advantages, including a favorable Climate, a large population, and a growing economy. With the right investment and support, agriculture can play a major role in the development of Jharkhand.

  1. Which of the following is not a major crop grown in Jharkhand?
    (A) Rice
    (B) Wheat
    (C) Tea
    (D) Cotton

  2. Which of the following is the main source of irrigation in Jharkhand?
    (A) Canals
    (B) Wells
    (C) Tanks
    (D) Tube wells

  3. Which of the following is the main livestock reared in Jharkhand?
    (A) Cows
    (B) Buffaloes
    (C) Goats
    (D) Sheep

  4. Which of the following is the main forest product of Jharkhand?
    (A) Timber
    (B) Bamboo
    (C) Honey
    (D) Lac

  5. Which of the following is the main mineral found in Jharkhand?
    (A) Coal
    (B) Iron Ore
    (C) Copper
    (D) Bauxite

  6. Which of the following is the main industrial product of Jharkhand?
    (A) Steel
    (B) Cement
    (C) Paper
    (D) Jute

  7. Which of the following is the main Tourist Attraction Of Jharkhand?
    (A) The Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary
    (B) The Betla National Park
    (C) The Hazaribagh National Park
    (D) The Kanger Valley National Park

  8. Which of the following is the main language spoken in Jharkhand?
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Bengali
    (C) Odia
    (D) Mundari

  9. Which of the following is the main religion practiced in Jharkhand?
    (A) Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism
    (B) Islam
    (C) Christianity
    (D) Sikhism

  10. Which of the following is the capital of Jharkhand?
    (A) Ranchi
    (B) Jamshedpur
    (C) Dhanbad
    (D) Bokaro

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