Issues related to Girls Education

<<2/”>a >p style=”font-weight: 400;”>Issues related to Girls Education

The problem of Women’s education in India is one which attracts our attention immediately. In our country, due to conservative traditionalism, women’s status has, through ages, been considered to be lower than that of men. During the later part of the Vedic period the Aryans had sealed the fate of women culturally and socially by denying them the right to study Vedas and thus half of the Population was deprived of one of the most fundamental Human Rights.  They were regarded as the bond slave to men for their economic dependence on them. Even today, in spite of the recognition of women’s status equal to that of men, the majority of them suffer in primitive ignorance as ever before. Illiteracy and ignorance is prevalent more in women folk than in men-folk and this evil is rampant specially in rural areas and backward communities.  The importance of women in matters of building the character of the citizens, economic reconstruction of the country and social reforms is being realized. Under the fast changing conditions in the country in the recent times increased attention is being paid to their education. Though different Commissions and (Committees appointed at times, suggested for the solution of the problems of women’s education and for its expansion, even then there are certain problems still persist in that field.

The main problems facing their education are:

(i) Development of immorality;

(ii) Suitable Curriculum for the education of girls;

(iii) Lack of social consciousness among women;

(iv) Scarcity of lady teachers;

(v) Lack of proper physical facilities;

(vi) Unwillingness of lady teachers to serve in rural areas;

(vii) Financial difficulties;

(viii) Problem of transport;

(ix) Problem of wastage and stagnation;

(x) Problem of co-education;

(xi) Lack of enthusiasm and interest of the officials in charge of education

The education of girls and women is an integral part of national development. Steps that are being taken to improve and expand their education will not recede to the background due to lack of finance. It must be remembered that there is still a big gap to be filled between the education of the boys and girls, further; mother is the pivot of family life in India. Our way of life depends on her. It is essential; therefore, that at least the programmes for girls and women that have already been included in the current plan are not disturbed.

The lack of coordination that existed between the home, the school and the life outside had to be remedied; and a close integration must be secured between the process of education and the social and economic life of the country. Everyone should be trained to make an adequate living and lo fill effectively her appropriate place in life.

The facilities for education should be adjusted as accurately as possible to the actual needs and opportunities which arise. Any wastage of training should not be tolerated in a country so poor as India. The methods of education had to be so designed that the inherent appeal and the value of education would win for it the loyalty of the pupils and support of the parents.

The awakening among Indian women has been really considerable during recent years. Despite all obstacles and many difficulties women education is advancing steadily. They are making their influence felt in international affairs. Inside the country there is a demand for equal rights. Indeed, it is quite obvious that women’s education must catch up with men’s education as rapidly as possible and that great gap between the two must be bridged.

Apart from being a wife and mother, a women must play a positive role in the country’s planning and progress and she must develop her own talent. She then to achieve her two rolls of wife and mother, and a worker to her country, and she can only do this with the mutual co-operation of educational set up of her country and herself Our girls have all the potential qualities, mental, physical, but these will have to be nourished and cherished until they grow into the full and glorious womanhood.

Our late Prime Minister Pandit Nehru said, “the most reliable indicator of a country’s character is the status and social position of women more than nothing else. He said, “I am quite convinced that in India today progress can be measured by the progress of women’s of India”. Dr. Radha krishanan quoting Manu believed “Where women are honoured there the Gods are pleased, where they are not honoured all work becomes fruitless”. Women as human beings have as much right as men have and the honour they expect in Society depends on the degree of their education.

Before drawing conclusion it may be mentioned that the task of the school authorities in India is to prepare the girls for the triple role she will have to play in adult life. First, as the founder and fashioner of a happy home, secondly to be able to earn her livelihood independently an honourably if circumstances demand her to do so and thirdly to discharge her duties as a responsible and enlightened citizen.

The Indian Education Commission 1964-66, rightly emphasized, “For full development of our human Resources, the improvement of homes and for moulding the character of children during the most impressionable years of their infancy, the education of girls is of greater importance than that of boys”. However, the change in the Attitude of the public towards women’s education would go a long way in improving the situation.


Girls’ education is a critical issue in many parts of the world. Girls who are not educated are more likely to be married off young, become pregnant as teenagers, and live in POVERTY. They are also more likely to experience violence and abuse.

There are many reasons why girls are denied education. In some cultures, girls are seen as less valuable than boys and are not given the same opportunities. In other cases, families cannot afford to send their daughters to school. And in some areas, girls are simply not safe to go to school due to war or conflict.

Whatever the reason, the lack of education for girls is a major problem. It holds girls back from reaching their full potential and contributes to poverty and inequality. It is important to address the issue of girls’ education so that all girls have the opportunity to learn and grow.

Here are some things that can be done to improve girls’ education:

  • Increase access to education: One of the most important things that can be done to improve girls’ education is to increase access to education. This means building more schools, hiring more teachers, and providing scholarships for girls who cannot afford to pay for school.
  • Address the root causes of gender inequality: In order to truly improve girls’ education, it is important to address the root causes of gender inequality. This includes changing the way that girls are perceived in society and giving them the same opportunities as boys.
  • Empower girls: Girls need to be empowered to take control of their own lives and make decisions about their own education. This can be done through education, training, and support.
  • Support families: Families need to be supported in their efforts to send their daughters to school. This can be done through financial assistance, childcare, and other forms of support.

By taking these steps, we can help to ensure that all girls have the opportunity to receive a quality education.

The benefits of girls’ education

There are many benefits to girls’ education. Educated girls are more likely to:

  • Have better Health outcomes for themselves and their children
  • Earn higher incomes
  • Be more likely to participate in decision-making
  • Have more empowered lives
  • Be less likely to experience violence and abuse
  • Be more likely to have smaller families
  • Be more likely to support their families and communities

The impact of girls’ education on society

The impact of girls’ education on society is far-reaching. Educated girls are more likely to:

  • Have children who are healthier and better educated
  • Be more productive members of the workforce
  • Participate in decision-making
  • Promote peace and stability
  • Reduce poverty and inequality

What you can do to help

There are many things you can do to help improve girls’ education. You can:

  • Donate to organizations that support girls’ education
  • Volunteer your time to help girls learn
  • Advocate for policies that support girls’ education
  • Talk to your friends and family about the importance of girls’ education

Every little bit helps. By taking action, you can help to ensure that all girls have the opportunity to receive a quality education.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about issues related to girls’ education:

  • What are the benefits of girls’ education?

Girls’ education has many benefits, both for individual girls and for society as a whole. Girls who are educated are more likely to have healthy families, earn higher incomes, and participate in civic life. They are also less likely to be married off as children, experience domestic violence, or contract HIV/AIDS.

  • What are the challenges to girls’ education?

There are many challenges to girls’ education, including poverty, gender discrimination, and violence. In some parts of the world, girls are not allowed to go to school at all. Even when girls are able to attend school, they may face discrimination from teachers and classmates. They may also have to work long hours to help support their families, which leaves them little time or energy for school.

  • What can be done to address the challenges to girls’ education?

There are many things that can be done to address the challenges to girls’ education. Governments can invest in education, provide scholarships for girls, and create safe and supportive Learning environments. Communities can also play a role by raising awareness about the importance of girls’ education and supporting girls who are trying to go to school.

  • What are some success stories in girls’ education?

There are many success stories in girls’ education. In Bangladesh, for example, the government has made it a priority to educate girls. As a result, the number of girls enrolled in school has increased dramatically. In Ethiopia, a program called “Let Girls Learn” has helped to increase girls’ enrollment in school and reduce the number of girls who are married off as children.

  • What are the future challenges and opportunities for girls’ education?

The future of girls’ education is uncertain. There are many challenges that need to be addressed, such as poverty, gender discrimination, and violence. However, there are also many opportunities for progress. With continued Investment and support, girls can achieve their full potential and contribute to the development of their communities and countries.

  • What can I do to help girls’ education?

There are many things you can do to help girls’ education. You can donate to organizations that support girls’ education, volunteer your time, or raise awareness about the issue. You can also talk to your elected officials about the importance of girls’ education and urge them to support policies that will help girls get an education.

  1. Which of the following is not a reason why girls are more likely to drop out of school than boys?
    (A) They are more likely to be married or pregnant at a young age.
    (B) They are more likely to be required to work to support their families.
    (C) They are more likely to be victims of violence.
    (D) They are more likely to be bullied.

  2. Which of the following is not a benefit of girls’ education?
    (A) It leads to higher earnings for women.
    (B) It leads to lower rates of poverty.
    (C) It leads to better health outcomes for women and children.
    (D) It leads to lower rates of violence against women.

  3. Which of the following is not a challenge to girls’ education?
    (A) Poverty
    (B) Gender discrimination
    (C) Lack of access to schools
    (D) Lack of interest in education

  4. Which of the following is not a goal of the Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education?
    (A) Ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
    (B) Ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education.
    (C) Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including girls, people with disabilities, and indigenous peoples.
    (D) Increase substantially the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for EMPLOYMENT, decent jobs and Entrepreneurship.

  5. Which of the following is not a way to support girls’ education?
    (A) Donate to organizations that work to promote girls’ education.
    (B) Volunteer your time to teach girls or help them with their schoolwork.
    (C) Talk to your elected officials about the importance of girls’ education.
    (D) Tell your friends and family about the importance of girls’ education.

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