Introduction to solar appliances viz Solar cell, solar cooker, water heater etc.

Sunlight is Earth’s most abundant energy source and is delivered free of charge. Indeed, the energy from sunlight reaching the land surface of the earth  is thousands of times greater than the world’s current total annual consumption of energy.

Yet harnessing sunlight’s energy content directly—rather than indirectly in fossil fuels, wind, or hydroelectric power—makes only a small contribution to humanity’s energy supply.

Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic systems, Concentrated Solar Power and solar water heating to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or Light-dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.

As sunlight can be considered in two forms – heat and light – Solar Energy can also be divided into two main components – Solar Light Energy and Solar Heat Energy.

Solar Light Energy – In this, the main objective is to convert to electricity the energy contained in sunlight in the form of photons. This sector is known as Solar Photovoltaic or Solar PV

Solar Heat Energy – In this, the objective is to use the sunlight’s heat energy as thermal energy or to generate electricity. This sector is known as Solar Thermal.


Solar Thermal Energy (ST) is the most direct way to use the energy from sunlight – this method used the heat of the sunlight for heating and drying applications. Simple examples of solar thermal applications are solar water heaters and solar cookers. In some select cases, this thermal energy can also be used to generate power too.


The PV in solar PV stands for photovoltaic, which simply means light to power. Solar PV systems convert the light energy in sunlight (in the form of photons) to electricity, through the use of semiconducting materials. The photons excite the electrons in the semiconducting material, resulting in a flow of electricity.


Solar thermal applications are many, and the process of heating can be direct or indirect. Depending upon the temperature of heating application, it is classified into – Low Temperature, Medium Temperature and High Temperature Heat Applications. Common examples include solar water heaters, solar cookers, solar dryers etc.


Solar thermal energy can be used to generate power too. This is done through concentrating sunlight through mirrors or lenses. The high temperatures achieved are used to run a steam turbine to generate power.

  OFF – GRID Solar System

Systems that are not connected to the gird and function independently are referred to as Off grid solar system. They can be in the form of rooftops solar system and other solar related products such as solar street light, solar lanterns, solar water heater etc.


Solar power Plants, owing to their modularity, are ideal for generation from distributed locations – on rooftops of residences or industries, on car parks and more. Such distributed solar power units can also be connected to the grid so that the system gets the twin benefits of a sustainable energy source and the reliability of grid power.


Utility scale grid connected power plants are the large solar farms with tens of thousands of panels. These could range from 1 MW to upwards of 100 MW in capacity. The electricity produced by such a power plant is generally exported to the grid for sale to the local utility company or to a private company.


Low Temperature Solar Collector is a Classification of Solar Thermal with Heat Application which has an operating limit of up to 80­ deg C. The heat collection can take place either using Flat Plates Collector or Evacuated Tube Collector. Examples of Low Temperature Solar Collector are Solar Cooker, Solar Water Heater.


In Medium Temperature Solar Collectors temperatures of up to 150◦C can be achieved. They are generally used in industries for specific heating or drying applications. Typically, Enhanced Evacuated Tubes and sometimes Parabolic Concentrators are used to raise the temperature up to 150◦C.


High Temperature Solar Collectors are used to attain temperatures of up to 250◦C. In order to reach such high temperatures, large mirrors and lenses are used to capture the solar heat energy and concentrate the heat on to a small area. As these solar collectors achieve the high temperature through concentrating the sunlight, they are often referred to as Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST).


Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) uses the heat from the sun to produce power. By means of large mirrors or lenses sunlight is concentrated onto a small area. This solar energy heats the water and produces steam. The steam is used to run a Steam Turbine and further on a Generator to produce electricity.


These refer typically to distributed solar power systems that, in addition to being grid-connected, also are connected to another source of power such as a battery or diesel power generator among a few. The advantages of such a system are that they provide uninterrupted power supply and can be programmable according to the available Source Of Energy and the needs of consumer.


A grid tied system refers typically to distributed solar power systems that are connected to the grid and no other source of power such as batteries. In case of a power outage, this system would disconnect from the utility grid, owing to technical and security reasons. In the absence of the grid, the system stops generating electricity.


A rooftop solar system generates electricity and supply it to the household based on a solar panels mounted on top of the roof.


Concentrated Solar Thermal, that can provide heat up to 250 deg C, produces thermal energy by using the heat from the sun. Such a high temperature is achieved through large mirrors or lenses that concentrate the heat energy onto a small area. The resulting heat is used directly or indirectly for heating and drying purposes.


A solar water heater captures the heat of sunlight through a thermal collector and uses it for water heating. The heat energy harnessed can also be stored in a storage tank and use it for later purpose.


Solar cooker uses the heat of sunlight to heat and cook food and beverages. Solar cookers use reflecting surfaces to concentrate sunlight onto a small area to prepare food items.


Solar farms refer to grid connected power plants that produce electricity on MW scales. These are usually ground mounted and export all the power to the grid, for sale to the local utility or to a private consumer.


Lanterns that are powered by solar power are referred to as Solar Lanterns. These lanterns charge their batteries from solar panels during the day and can be used at nights. They generally use LEDs or CFLs. These lanterns are commonly used in rural areas to replace the kerosene lamps.


Solar Streetlights are outdoor light fixtures that work on solar energy. During the day these streetlights get charged and the energy is stored on to a battery. At nights, these solar streetlights switch on to light up the streets.


Pumps that work on the electricity generated by the photo-voltaic panels are called Solar Water Pumps. These pumps are highly efficient and useful in places where power from the grid is either unavailable or is unreliable. The agricultural sector is the main end user of solar water pumps.

Some important Products and Devices in detail:


Solar water heaters typically consist of two components – a solar collector and storage tank.

Solar Collector

Solar Collectors are devices that collects heat by absorbing sunlight. The heat absorbed is then transferred to the working fluid (water or anti-freezing liquid). These collectors consists of an absorber which are generally made up of several narrow metallic strip. It also consists of a metallic tube through which the working fluid flows.

Storage Tank

Storage tank as the name suggests is used to store hot water. These Storage tanks are either connected horizontally on to the solar collector or are ground mounted. In some cases, a heat exchanger is present inside the storage tank. There are two types of solar collectors that are available in the market:

  • Flat Plate Collector

Flat plate collectors (FPC) is a metallic box with a completely transparent glass or plastic cover. Inside the box is a series of dark colored heat absorbing plates generally made of copper. The sides of the FPCs are covered with insulating materials to keep the heat loss to a minimal.

Evacuated Tube Solar Collector

It consists of several glass tube, with each tube being evacuated to reduce the heat loss within. Inside the glass tube are curved or flat metallic tube that is attached with a fin to absorb the heat.


Cooking using solar cooker is done by means of UV rays from the sun. A solar cooker lets the solar UV rays in and converts them to Infrared rays. These Infrared light rays has the right amount of energy to make water, fat and protein particles in food to vibrate and in turn heat them up. On the contrary to what people think about the direct heat from the sun being used to cook food, it is the rays from the sun that are converted to heat energy which contribute maximum for cooking of food in the solar cooker. This heat energy is retained in food by covering the lid of the vessel.

There are three major types of solar cookers that are used –

Box Solar Cooker

Box solar cooker is the most common and simplest type of solar cooker. It is based on the design of traditional modern ovens, where the food in the vessel is placed inside an insulated box which is covered with a transparent glass, to allow the sun rays to pass through it on to the vessel. The solar UV rays are converted to longer Infrared rays that heat the vessel. Some UV rays that do not get converted into longer Infrared rays, are retained inside the box to build up the temperature and make the box a desirable place to cook food. Reflecting panels are also used to concentrate the sun rays towards the vessel for higher cooking temperature and effectiveness.

Panel Cooker

Panel Cookers consists of a darkened cooking vessel, an oven cooking bag and reflecting panels. These panels are made of aluminum foil or from tin or sheet Metal that are polished to high sheen. Even mirrors are used as reflecting panel. The reflecting panels concentrate the sun light on the cooking bag. The cooking bag in turns allows the UV rays to penetrate on to the cooking vessel, in trapping the energy and prevent it from escaping. The Panel Cooker works similar to Box Solar Cooker, however it much simpler and economical to build and results in the same effectiveness.

 Parabolic Cooker

Parabolic Cookers are also known as curved concentrator oven. In comparison to other solar cookers, parabolic cookers create higher temperature which results in food being cooked faster. They reflect the sun’s rays onto the cooking vessel by means of the curved reflecting surfaces. They are much more expensive when compared to Box and Panel solar cookers. It also requires close supervision and regular adjustments for the cooker to work effectively.

Different Types of Solar Cookers

Concentrating solar power

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) uses large mirrors to concentrate the heat energy from sun to drive a traditional steam turbine. This in turn is used to create electricity. CSP broadly consists of large reflecting mirrors called Heliostats and a receiver.

There are four types of CSP –

  1. Trough System

Trough systems consists of large U-shaped reflectors with an oil filled receiver present at the center of the reflector or the focal point. These reflectors are tilted towards the sun to harness maximum solar energy. When sun light falls on these reflectors, they reflect it towards the receiver. Because of the concentrating solar power on the receiver, the oil in the receiver reaches temperatures of 750 °F. This hot oil is used to heat the water, which produces steam to run a steam turbine or generator.

  1. Power Tower System 

Power Tower System also called central receivers use large number of reflecting mirrors that track the sun in two directions. All the sunlight that falls on the reflecting mirrors are reflected on to a receiver which is placed on top of a tower. Inside the receiver is molten salt, which is heated to temperatures of 1050°F. The heated molten salt is used to produce steam by heating the water. Steam so produced is used to run a steam turbine/generator, which in turn helps in producing electricity. Molten salt can retain the heat obtained for 3-4 days. This helps in electricity being produced even during nights when there is a shortage of sunlight.

  1. Dish Engine System

Dish Engine Systems consists of large parabolic reflecting mirrors that are used to focus the sunlight on to the receiver which is placed at the focal point of the mirror. To capture maximum heat from the sun, the mirrors track the sun across the sky. The receiver is integrated with an external combustion engine. This engine has a thin tube consisting of Hydrogen or Helium gas that run along the outside of engine’s cylinder. Due to the heating of the receiver, hydrogen or helium gas expand inside the cylinder which enables the piston to be driven. The piston in turn is connected to the generator to produce electricity.

  1. Linear Fresnel Reflector

Linear Fresnel Reflectors work on the principal of Trough System, but with the use of long parallel rows of low cost flat mirrors. The sunlight is reflected from the mirrors on to the elevated receiver tank. This receiver tank consists of a system of tubes through which water flows. The concentrated heat, boils the water to produce steam which is us to run the generator.


When photovoltaic panels are installed on the roof of commercial or residential building to generate electricity for themselves, it is called Solar Rooftops. Photovoltaics panels are made up of semiconducting materials. The generation of electricity through PV panels is based on the concept of Photovoltaic effect – wherein, photons (Sunlight) fall on the panels, exciting the electrons in them. Due to the excitation, the electrons start to flow resulting in electricity. The electricity so produced is sent to the inverter, to convert DC to AC. From the inverter the Alternating Current is sent directly to various load that require electricity. In the case of battery, the electricity is provided to both the load as well as the loads. The presence of battery enables the electricity to be stored for later usage.

Broadly the solar rooftop systems are classified into two – off grid and on grid. In the case of off grid, the system works completely independent of the grid. These systems are effective only in places where there is no electricity. In the case of on-grid, houses are connected to both the rooftop as well as the gird. When there is surplus of electricity being produced, it is sent to the grid. Also in the case of a shortage of electricity being produced, electricity from the grid is used to over the shortage. On grid system too may have batteries for backup.,

Solar energy is a RENEWABLE ENERGY source that comes from the sun. It is a clean and sustainable way to generate electricity, heat water, and power homes and businesses.

Solar cells are the basic building blocks of solar energy systems. They convert sunlight into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. Solar cells are made of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, that have two layers with different electrical charges. When sunlight hits a solar cell, it creates an electric current that can be used to power devices.

Solar cookers use the sun’s heat to cook food. They are a simple and efficient way to cook without using fossil fuels. Solar cookers can be used to cook a variety of foods, including rice, beans, vegetables, and meat.

Solar water heaters use the sun’s heat to warm water. They are a cost-effective way to heat water for domestic use, such as bathing, washing dishes, and laundry. Solar water heaters can also be used to heat water for swimming pools and spas.

Solar air conditioners use the sun’s heat to cool homes and businesses. They are a clean and efficient way to cool without using fossil fuels. Solar air conditioners can be used in both residential and commercial applications.

Solar pool heaters use the sun’s heat to warm swimming pools. They are a cost-effective way to heat pools for swimming, sunbathing, and other recreational activities. Solar pool heaters can be used in both in-ground and above-ground pools.

Solar street lights use the sun’s energy to light streets and sidewalks. They are a clean and sustainable way to light public spaces. Solar street lights can be used in both urban and rural areas.

Solar panels are made up of solar cells. They are used to collect sunlight and convert it into electricity. Solar panels can be used to power homes, businesses, and other buildings. They can also be used to generate electricity for the grid.

Solar trackers are devices that follow the sun’s movement across the sky. This allows them to collect more sunlight and generate more electricity. Solar trackers are often used with solar panels to maximize their efficiency.

Solar inverters convert direct current (DC) electricity from solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity. This type of electricity is used to power homes and businesses. Solar inverters are an essential part of any solar energy system.

Solar batteries store electricity from solar panels. This allows solar energy to be used at night or during cloudy weather. Solar batteries are an important part of any solar energy system.

Solar charge controllers regulate the flow of electricity from solar panels to batteries. This prevents batteries from being overcharged or discharged. Solar charge controllers are an important part of any solar energy system.

Solar pumps use the sun’s energy to pump water. They are used for a variety of applications, such as Irrigation, drinking water, and wastewater treatment. Solar pumps are a clean and sustainable way to pump water.

Solar lighting systems use the sun’s energy to light homes, businesses, and other buildings. They are a clean and sustainable way to light spaces. Solar lighting systems can be used in both urban and rural areas.

Solar home systems provide electricity for homes that are not connected to the grid. They consist of solar panels, batteries, and an inverter. Solar home systems are a clean and sustainable way to generate electricity.

Solar grid-tie systems are connected to the electrical grid. They generate electricity from solar panels and send it to the grid. When the sun is shining, solar grid-tie systems can provide all of the electricity a home needs. When the sun is not shining, the home draws electricity from the grid. Solar grid-tie systems are a clean and sustainable way to generate electricity.

Solar off-grid systems are not connected to the electrical grid. They generate electricity from solar panels and store it in batteries. Solar off-grid systems are a clean and sustainable way to generate electricity for homes and businesses that are not connected to the grid.

Solar energy is a valuable resource that can be used to generate electricity, heat water, and power homes and businesses. It is a clean and sustainable way to meet our energy needs.

Solar Cell

  1. What is a solar cell?

A solar cell is a device that converts light into electricity. It is made of a semiconductor material, such as silicon, that has been treated with special chemicals to create an electric field. When light hits the solar cell, it knocks electrons loose from the atoms in the semiconductor material. These electrons are then free to flow through the electric field, creating an electric current.

  1. How do solar cells work?

Solar cells work by the photovoltaic effect. This is the process by which light can be converted into electricity. When light hits a solar cell, it excites electrons in the semiconductor material. These excited electrons are then able to move through the material, creating an electric current.

  1. What are the benefits of using solar cells?

Solar cells are a clean and renewable source of energy. They do not produce any emissions, and they do not require any fuel to operate. Solar cells are also very efficient, and they can be used to generate electricity for a variety of applications.

  1. What are the drawbacks of using solar cells?

Solar cells can be expensive to purchase and install. They also require a lot of space, and they may not be suitable for all locations. Solar cells can also be affected by weather conditions, such as clouds and rain.

  1. Where are solar cells used?

Solar cells are used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Solar power plants: Solar power plants use large arrays of solar cells to generate electricity.
  • Solar home systems: Solar home systems use solar cells to provide electricity to homes in remote areas.
  • Solar cars: Solar cars use solar cells to power their electric motors.
  • Solar calculators: Solar calculators use solar cells to power their displays.

Solar Cooker

  1. What is a solar cooker?

A solar cooker is a device that uses the sun’s energy to cook food. It is a simple and efficient way to cook food without using any fuel.

  1. How does a solar cooker work?

A solar cooker works by trapping the sun’s heat. The food is placed inside the cooker, which is then covered with a reflective lid. The lid traps the heat, which cooks the food.

  1. What are the benefits of using a solar cooker?

Solar cookers are a clean and renewable source of energy. They do not produce any emissions, and they do not require any fuel to operate. Solar cookers are also very efficient, and they can be used to cook food for a large number of people.

  1. What are the drawbacks of using a solar cooker?

Solar cookers can be slow to cook food, and they may not be suitable for all climates. Solar cookers also require a lot of direct sunlight to operate.

  1. Where are solar cookers used?

Solar cookers are used in a variety of places, including:

  • Developing countries: Solar cookers are used in developing countries to provide a clean and efficient way to cook food.
  • Remote areas: Solar cookers are used in remote areas where there is no access to electricity or fuel.
  • Camping: Solar cookers are used by campers to cook food without having to carry any fuel.

Solar Water Heater

  1. What is a solar water heater?

A solar water heater is a device that uses the sun’s energy to heat water. It is a simple and efficient way to heat water without using any fuel.

  1. How does a solar water heater work?

A solar water heater works by trapping the sun’s heat. The water is heated in a collector, which is then stored in a tank. The tank is insulated to keep the heat in, and the water can be used for bathing, washing, or cooking.

  1. What are the benefits of using a solar water heater?

Solar water heaters are a clean and renewable source of energy. They do not produce any emissions, and they do not require any fuel to operate. Solar water heaters are also very efficient, and they can save Money on energy bills.

  1. What are the drawbacks of using a solar water heater?

Solar water heaters can be expensive to purchase and install. They also require a lot of direct sunlight to operate. Solar water heaters may not be suitable for all climates.

  1. Where are solar water heaters used?

Solar water heaters are used in a variety of places, including:

  • Homes: Solar water heaters are used in homes to heat water for bathing, washing, or cooking.
  • Hotels: Solar water heaters are used in hotels to heat water for guests.
  • Schools: Solar water heaters are used in schools to heat water for students and staff.
  1. What is a solar cell?
    (A) A device that converts sunlight into electricity.
    (B) A device that converts sunlight into heat.
    (C) A device that converts sunlight into water.
    (D) A device that converts sunlight into Sound.

  2. What is a solar cooker?
    (A) A device that uses sunlight to cook food.
    (B) A device that uses sunlight to heat water.
    (C) A device that uses sunlight to generate electricity.
    (D) A device that uses sunlight to produce sound.

  3. What is a solar water heater?
    (A) A device that uses sunlight to heat water.
    (B) A device that uses sunlight to generate electricity.
    (C) A device that uses sunlight to produce sound.
    (D) A device that uses sunlight to cook food.

  4. What are the advantages of using solar appliances?
    (A) They are environmentally friendly.
    (B) They can save money on energy costs.
    (C) They are easy to use.
    (D) All of the above.

  5. What are the disadvantages of using solar appliances?
    (A) They can be expensive to purchase.
    (B) They may not be suitable for all climates.
    (C) They may not be able to meet all of your energy needs.
    (D) All of the above.

  6. How can you save money on your energy bills by using solar appliances?
    (A) By using solar appliances to generate your own electricity, you can reduce your reliance on grid power. This can save you money on your electricity bills.
    (B) By using solar appliances to heat your water, you can reduce your reliance on natural gas or propane. This can save you money on your heating bills.
    (C) By using solar appliances to cook your food, you can reduce your reliance on electricity or gas. This can save you money on your cooking bills.
    (D) All of the above.

  7. What are some of the environmental benefits of using solar appliances?
    (A) Solar appliances do not produce greenhouse gases.
    (B) Solar appliances do not produce Air Pollution.
    (C) Solar appliances do not require the use of fossil fuels.
    (D) All of the above.

  8. What are some of the social benefits of using solar appliances?
    (A) Solar appliances can help to reduce our reliance on foreign oil.
    (B) Solar appliances can help to create jobs in the solar Industry.
    (C) Solar appliances can help to improve our Energy Security.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. What are some of the challenges of using solar appliances?
    (A) Solar appliances can be expensive to purchase.
    (B) Solar appliances may not be suitable for all climates.
    (C) Solar appliances may not be able to meet all of your energy needs.
    (D) All of the above.

  10. What are some of the ways to overcome the challenges of using solar appliances?
    (A) You can finance the purchase of solar appliances with a loan or lease.
    (B) You can install solar panels on your roof even if you live in a cloudy Climate.
    (C) You can combine solar appliances with other energy-saving measures, such as insulation and energy-efficient appliances.
    (D) All of the above.

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