International Booster- Pro-democracy protests in Thailand

Pro-Democracy protests in Thailand


Thousands of young people in Thailand are defying the authorities by gathering in the streets and calling for change in some of the biggest pro-democracy protests the country has seen in years.  An emergency decree banning such rallies was issued by the government in an attempt to clamp down on the largely peaceful demonstrations that have also targeted the Monarchy.  Despite this, the student-led democracy movement continues to march, leading to numerous arrests.

Historical background

Thailand has a long history of political unrest and protest, but a new wave began in February, after a popular opposition political party was ordered to dissolve.  It followed Elections in March last year – the first since the military seized power in 2014. For many young people and first-time voters, it was seen as a chance for change after years of military rule.  But the military had taken steps to entrench its political role, and the election saw Prayuth Chan-ocha – the military leader who led the coup – re-installed as prime minister.


Sequence of events

The growing pro-democracy movement has been calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha – the former army chief who seized power in a 2014 coup and was later appointed as premier after controversial elections last year.  Disillusioned by years of military rule, protesters are demanding Amendments to the Constitution, a new election and an end to the harassment of rights activists and state critics.  They are also calling for curbs on the king’s powers – a demand that has led to unprecedented public discussion of an institution long shielded from criticism by law.

In an attempt to “maintain peace and order”, the Thai government has issued an emergency decree banning large gatherings, limiting groups to a maximum of four people.  But protesters have since been marching against the ban, with hundreds taking to the streets of the capital Bangkok. Some have been targeting the prime minister’s office, and the government has responded by deploying riot police.

Protesters accused the Thai state of orchestrating his kidnapping, which the police and government have denied.  In recent months they have widened to call for curbs on the powers of King Vajiralongkorn, who now spends most of his time abroad.  The protesters have challenged the king’s decision to declare Crown wealth as his personal property, making him by far the wealthiest person in Thailand. It had until now been notionally held in trust for the benefit of the people.  There have also been questions over his decision to take personal command of all military units based in Bangkok – a concentration of military power in royal hands unprecedented in modern Thailand.

The voices of the next generation

The protest leaders have been careful to frame their demands within the constitution.  The first person to break the taboo, a week before the Thammasat manifesto, was Human Rights lawyer Anon Nampa, speaking at a Harry Potter-themed protest and looking not unlike the fictional young wizard.

But far from silencing talk about the monarchy, their demands have now been taken up by a student movement which has been agitating for change for many months, and which is active in campuses across the country, and includes high-school students as well.

External hand Theory

The students have been accused of “crossing the line”, of going too far, even by some of those who support their other demands for reform.  Senators appointed by the former military junta, and an important political crutch for the government of junta-leader-turned-Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, have called for legal action against the student leaders, for an investigation into how they funded Monday’s spectacularly-produced protest, and into which “dark hand” instigated the youngsters to come up with such outrageous demands.

Worryingly, some ultra-royalists are raising the spectre of October 1976, when police and right-wing vigilantes opened fire on Left-Wing students inside Thammasat University, killing dozens, lynching some and then battering their bodies.

Way forward

The movement’s ability to continue to amass the large-scale rallies seen in recent months will be difficult following the crackdown on public gatherings, especially with some high profile campaigners detained outside Bangkok.  However, at least one student leader has vowed that the demonstrations will continue. In footage shared widely on Social Media, Ms Panusaya said the government’s emergency measures should be ignored.



The pro-democracy protests in Thailand began in July 2020, when students and activists took to the streets to demand reforms to the country’s monarchy and political system. The protests have been largely peaceful, but there have been some clashes between protesters and police.

The protests are the latest in a series of demonstrations against the Thai government in recent years. In 2014, the military staged a coup and overthrew the democratically elected government. The military government has since been accused of human rights abuses and of suppressing dissent.


The protests began on July 18, 2020, when students from Thammasat University staged a rally to demand reforms to the monarchy. The rally was initially peaceful, but it turned violent when police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the protesters.

The protests continued in the following weeks, with students and activists taking to the streets in Bangkok and other cities. The protesters have called for the resignation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, the Dissolution of parliament, and the drafting of a new constitution.

In October 2020, the protests escalated when protesters stormed the Government House in Bangkok. The protesters were eventually dispersed by police, but the incident marked a turning point in the protests.

The protests have continued into 2021, with the protesters becoming increasingly vocal in their demands. In February 2021, the protesters called for the abolition of the monarchy. The monarchy is a sensitive issue in Thailand, and the protesters’ demands have been met with resistance from the government and the royalist establishment.


The pro-democracy protests in Thailand have been leaderless, with no single individual or group taking charge. However, there are a number of prominent figures who have been involved in the protests, including student leaders Parit Chiwarak (Pai) and Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul (Rung).

Pai is a law student at Thammasat University who has been one of the most vocal leaders of the protests. He has been arrested several times for his involvement in the protests, but he has continued to lead the movement.

Rung is a student at Chulalongkorn University who has also been a prominent leader of the protests. She has been arrested twice for her involvement in the protests, but she has also continued to lead the movement.


The pro-democracy protesters in Thailand have a number of demands, including the resignation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, the dissolution of parliament, and the drafting of a new constitution.

The protesters also demand reforms to the monarchy, including the abolition of the lese majeste law, which makes it a crime to criticize the monarchy.


The pro-democracy protesters in Thailand have used a variety of tactics, including rallies, marches, and sit-ins. They have also used social media to spread their message and to organize protests.

The protesters have been largely peaceful, but there have been some clashes between protesters and police. In October 2020, protesters stormed the Government House in Bangkok. The protesters were eventually dispersed by police, but the incident marked a turning point in the protests.


The pro-democracy protests in Thailand have been met with a mixed reaction from the government and the public. The government has condemned the protests and has accused the protesters of being a threat to national security.

The public has also been divided in its reaction to the protests. Some people support the protesters and their demands, while others believe that the protests are destabilizing the country.

International support

The pro-democracy protests in Thailand have received some international support. The United States and the European Union have called on the Thai government to respect the rights of protesters and to engage in dialogue with them.

The United Nations has also expressed concern about the protests and has called on the Thai government to use restraint.


The pro-democracy protests in Thailand have had a significant impact on the country. The protests have led to a political crisis and have raised questions about the future of the monarchy.

The protests have also had an impact on the Thai economy. The protests have caused businesses to close and have led to a decline in tourism.

Future of the protests

The future of the pro-democracy protests in Thailand is uncertain. The government has shown no signs of backing down from its position, and the protesters have vowed to continue their protests until their demands are met.

The protests could continue for some time, and they could lead to further instability in Thailand. The protests could also lead to a change in government, or to a constitutional crisis.

What are the pro-democracy protests in Thailand about?

The pro-democracy protests in Thailand are a series of demonstrations that began in July 2020. The protesters are calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, who they say came to power in a military coup in 2014. They are also calling for reforms to the Thai monarchy, which they say is too powerful and corrupt.

Who are the protesters?

The protesters are a diverse group of people from all walks of life. They include students, academics, activists, and ordinary citizens. The majority of the protesters are young people, who are frustrated with the lack of progress in Thailand since the coup.

What are the demands of the protesters?

The protesters have a number of demands, including the resignation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, the dissolution of the Thai parliament, and the drafting of a new constitution. They are also calling for reforms to the Thai monarchy, which they say is too powerful and corrupt.

What has been the response of the government to the protests?

The government has responded to the protests with a mixture of repression and concessions. In October 2020, the government declared a state of emergency and banned gatherings of more than five people. However, the protests have continued, and the government has been forced to make some concessions, such as agreeing to reform the Electoral System.

What is the international reaction to the protests?

The international community has largely supported the right of the Thai people to protest. However, some countries, such as China, have expressed concern about the protests and called for dialogue between the government and the protesters.

What is the future of the protests?

It is difficult to say what the future holds for the protests. The government has shown that it is willing to use force to suppress the protests, but the protesters have also shown that they are determined to continue. The situation is fluid and could change at any time.

Question 1

The pro-democracy protests in Thailand began in 2020. What is the main demand of the protesters?

(A) The resignation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha
(B) The dissolution of the Thai Parliament
(C) The reform of the Thai monarchy
(D) All of the above

Question 2

The pro-democracy protests in Thailand have been met with violence from the Thai government. What is one example of this violence?

(A) The use of tear gas and rubber bullets against protesters
(B) The arrest of hundreds of protesters
(C) The use of live ammunition against protesters
(D) All of the above

Question 3

The pro-democracy protests in Thailand have had a significant impact on the Thai economy. What is one example of this impact?

(A) The tourism Industry has been hit hard by the protests
(B) The stock market has fallen sharply
(C) The Thai baht has lost value against the US dollar
(D) All of the above

Question 4

The pro-democracy protests in Thailand have also had a significant impact on Thai Society. What is one example of this impact?

(A) The protests have divided Thai society along political lines
(B) The protests have led to a loss of faith in the Thai government
(C) The protests have led to a rise in nationalism in Thailand
(D) All of the above

Question 5

The pro-democracy protests in Thailand are ongoing. What is the future of the protests?

(A) It is difficult to say what the future holds for the protests.
(B) The protests are likely to continue until the Thai government meets the demands of the protesters.
(C) The protests are likely to die down as the Thai government cracks down on the protesters.
(D) The protests are likely to lead to a change in government in Thailand.


  1. (D)
  2. (D)
  3. (D)
  4. (D)
  5. (A)
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