International Booster- India Nepal Latest border dispute

India Nepal Latest border dispute

On May 8, India’s defence minister virtually inaugurated a new 80 km-long road in the Himalayas, connecting to the border with China, at the Lipulekh pass. The Nepali government protested immediately, contending that the road crosses territory that it claims and accusing India of changing the status quo without diplomatic consultations.

Among the many escalatory moves since then, Nepal deployed police forces to the region, summoned the Indian ambassador in Kathmandu, and initiated a constitutional amendment to formalise and extend its territorial claims over approximately 400 sq km. India, on the other hand, has conveyed its openness to a dialogue but does not seem to share Nepal’s sense of urgency: its initial statement agreed to a dialogue, but only after the COVID-19 crisis.

India has been in effective possession of this territory for at least sixty years, although Nepal claims it conducted a census there in the early 1950s and refers to the 1815 Sugauli Treaty as legitimising its claims. But India’s new road, up to the Lipulekh pass, is not an unprecedented change in the status quo. India has controlled this territory and built other Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE here before, besides conducting its administration and deploying military forces up to the border pass with China.

The region is of strategic importance, and the new road is now one of the quickest links between Delhi and the Tibetan plateau. In a 2015 statement, China also recognised India’s Sovereignty by agreeing to expand trade through the Lipulekh pass. Finally, this is also an important route for thousands of Hindus who trek across the border with China every year to visit the sacred Mount Kailash. Given recurrent military tensions with China, the future potential of trade, and the religious symbolism of the region, India will certainly continue to exercise civilian and military control.

Kali river as separation line between India and Nepal

The Kali river originates at Kalapani in the Pithoragarh district in the Uttarakhand state of India. The river flows in few other places in the countries of India and Nepal. It forms the boundary between India and Nepal in the Kalapani region .

The Kali River flows through an area that covers a disputed area of about 400 km² around the source of the river although the correct size of the disputed area may vary from source to source. From 1962 onwards, the Indian government forwarded their  disagreement that the border should be based on the ridge lines of the mountain of Om Parvat. The dispute also aggravated in 1997 as the Nepal government considered a treaty on hydroelectric development in the Kali river. India and Nepal argued on which stream of the river constitutes their country, in order to establish hydroelectric development.  This argument in locating the source of the river Kali led to boundary disputes between India and Nepal. Both India and Nepal produced maps supporting their own claims.

Areas in the Indo-Nepal border dispute

Lipulekh and Kalapani are major regions in India, and the Susta region in Nepal is covered in the border dispute between India and Nepal.  The territorial dispute between India and Nepal includes an area of 400 km2 at the India-Nepal-China tri-junction region. The Kalapani territory is a region under Indian administration as a sector of Pithoragarh district in the Uttarakhand state, but has also been claimed by Nepal since 1998. However, the Nepal government claims that Kalapani province lies in Darchula district, Sudurpaschim Pradesh. Kalapani has been controlled by India’s Indo-Tibetan border security forces since 1962. But Nepal demands the withdrawal of the Indian border forces in Kalapani area because they are claiming that Kalapani belongs to them.

Lipulekh is a Himalayan pass situated on the border between Uttarakhand state of India and the Tibetan autonomous region of China, near their trijunction with Nepal. Nepal affirms that  the southern side of the Lipulekh pass, called Kalapani territory (which is controlled by India), belongs to Nepal. The pass is near the Chinese trading town of and it has been used since ancient times by traders, mendicants and pilgrims traveling between India and China. Lipulekh pass is also used by pilgrims to reach Kailas and Manasarovar.

As an initiative to demarcate the India – Nepal border, survey teams from both countries were set up in order to explore and resolve the issue. They conducted a survey of the border pillars prepared by the Joint Technical Level Nepal-India Boundary Committee (JTLNIBC).  The JTLNIBC was set up in 1981 to demarcate the India – Nepal border – and after years of surveying, deliberations, and extensions, the Committee had finally submitted the demarcating report in 2007 for ratification by both the countries.

The survey team identified missing pillars along the borders. Nepal maintained that it cannot ratify the maps given by the survey team without the resolution of Kalapani and Susta in the Nepal map. India, on the other hand awaited for Nepal’s ratification. In the absence of ratification, the process of completely demarcating the India-Nepal boundary could not be undertaken, and the border issue was not solved despite the formation of a survey team. From this argument, it is evident that both the countries continue to fail to compromise, and a lack of understanding is present between them.

India-Nepal border issues appear to be easily solvable, as long as there is political goodwill and statecraft being exercised on both sides. The way to move forward is to formally approve the strip maps, resolve the two remaining disputes, demarcate the entire India-Nepal boundary, and speedily execute the work of boundary maintenance.,

The India-Nepal border dispute is a long-standing territorial dispute between the two countries. The dispute centers on the Kalapani area, which is located in the far western corner of Nepal. India claims that Kalapani is part of its territory, while Nepal claims that it is part of its territory. The dispute has been a source of tension between the two countries for many years.

The Kalapani area is a strategically important region. It is located on the border between Nepal and China, and it is the only point where the two countries share a common border. The area is also home to a number of important rivers, including the Kali River, which is a major source of water for both Nepal and India.

The dispute over Kalapani dates back to the British colonial era. In 1816, the British signed a treaty with Nepal that established the border between the two countries. However, the treaty did not specify the exact location of the border in the Kalapani area. This ambiguity has led to the dispute over the area.

In recent years, the dispute over Kalapani has become more heated. In 2015, Nepal published a new map that showed Kalapani as part of its territory. India protested the map, and the two countries have been engaged in a diplomatic standoff ever since.

The dispute over Kalapani has had a negative impact on India-Nepal relations. The two countries have suspended trade and diplomatic ties, and there have been protests and demonstrations in both countries. The dispute has also raised concerns about the possibility of a military conflict between the two countries.

The possibility of a solution to the border dispute is uncertain. The two countries have held talks on the issue, but they have not been able to reach an agreement. The dispute is likely to continue to be a source of tension between India and Nepal for many years to come.

The implications of the border dispute for the region are significant. The dispute could lead to instability in the region, and it could also have a negative impact on trade and Economic Development. The dispute could also increase the risk of a military conflict between India and Nepal.

The India-Nepal border dispute is a complex and sensitive issue. It is important for both countries to find a solution to the dispute that is acceptable to both sides. The dispute has the potential to destabilize the region, and it could also have a negative impact on trade and economic development. It is in the interest of both countries to resolve the dispute peacefully.

What is the India-Nepal border dispute?

The India-Nepal border dispute is a long-running territorial dispute between India and Nepal over the Kalapani region. The dispute centers on the ownership of a 35-square-kilometer (13.5 square-mile) area of land in the Himalayas. India claims the area as part of its Sudurpashchim Pradesh state, while Nepal claims it as part of its Darchula district.

The dispute has its roots in the British Raj, when the British drew the border between India and Nepal. The British did not consult with the Nepalese government when drawing the border, and as a result, the border does not follow any natural features. This has led to confusion and disagreement over the exact location of the border.

The dispute came to a head in 2020, when India built a road through the Kalapani region. Nepal protested the construction of the road, and the two countries have been engaged in a diplomatic standoff ever since.

What are the implications of the India-Nepal border dispute?

The India-Nepal border dispute has a number of implications for both countries. First, the dispute has the potential to destabilize the relationship between India and Nepal. Nepal is a strategically important country for India, and the dispute could lead to increased tensions between the two countries.

Second, the dispute could have a negative impact on trade between India and Nepal. The two countries have a long history of trade and economic cooperation, and the dispute could disrupt this cooperation.

Third, the dispute could lead to increased Migration from Nepal to India. Nepal is a poor country, and the dispute could lead to more Nepalese people seeking a better life in India.

What are the possible solutions to the India-Nepal border dispute?

There are a number of possible solutions to the India-Nepal border dispute. One solution is for the two countries to agree to a new border demarcation. This would require both countries to compromise on their claims to the Kalapani region.

Another solution is for the two countries to establish a joint commission to study the border dispute and recommend a solution. This would allow the two countries to work together to find a solution that is acceptable to both sides.

Finally, the two countries could also agree to refer the dispute to an international tribunal. This would allow an independent body to decide the ownership of the Kalapani region.

What is the future of the India-Nepal border dispute?

The future of the India-Nepal border dispute is uncertain. The two countries have been engaged in a diplomatic standoff for over a year, and there is no sign that the dispute is going to be resolved anytime soon. The dispute has the potential to destabilize the relationship between India and Nepal, and it could have a negative impact on trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. The two countries could agree to a new border demarcation, establish a joint commission to study the border dispute, or refer the dispute to an international tribunal. However, it is also possible that the dispute will continue to simmer for many years to come.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a reason for the India-Nepal border dispute?

(A) The Kalapani region
(B) The Lipulekh Pass
(C) The Susta River
(D) The Limpiyadhura Pass

(C) The Susta River

The Susta River is a disputed border area between India and Nepal, but it is not one of the main reasons for the current border dispute. The Kalapani region, the Lipulekh Pass, and the Limpiyadhura Pass are all areas that are claimed by both India and Nepal.

Question 2

What is the name of the Indian village that is located in the disputed Kalapani region?

(A) Lipulekh
(B) Limpiyadhura
(C) Kalapani
(D) Susta

(C) Kalapani

The village of Kalapani is located in the disputed Kalapani region. The village is claimed by both India and Nepal.

Question 3

What is the name of the Nepali village that is located in the disputed Limpiyadhura Pass region?

(A) Lipulekh
(B) Limpiyadhura
(C) Kalapani
(D) Susta

(B) Limpiyadhura

The village of Limpiyadhura is located in the disputed Limpiyadhura Pass region. The village is claimed by both India and Nepal.

Question 4

What is the name of the Indian road that passes through the disputed Lipulekh Pass?

(A) the Lipulekh Road
(B) the Kalapani Road
(C) the Limpiyadhura Road
(D) the Susta Road

(A) the Lipulekh Road

The Lipulekh Road is an Indian road that passes through the disputed Lipulekh Pass. The road connects India to China.

Question 5

What is the name of the Nepali road that passes through the disputed Limpiyadhura Pass?

(A) the Lipulekh Road
(B) the Kalapani Road
(C) the Limpiyadhura Road
(D) the Susta Road

(C) the Limpiyadhura Road

The Limpiyadhura Road is a Nepali road that passes through the disputed Limpiyadhura Pass. The road connects Nepal to China.

Question 6

What is the name of the Indian military post that is located in the disputed Kalapani region?

(A) the Lipulekh Post
(B) the Kalapani Post
(C) the Limpiyadhura Post
(D) the Susta Post

(B) the Kalapani Post

The Kalapani Post is an Indian military post that is located in the disputed Kalapani region. The post is used to monitor the border between India and Nepal.

Question 7

What is the name of the Nepali military post that is located in the disputed Limpiyadhura Pass region?

(A) the Lipulekh Post
(B) the Kalapani Post
(C) the Limpiyadhura Post
(D) the Susta Post

(C) the Limpiyadhura Post

The Limpiyadhura Post is a Nepali military post that is located in the disputed Limpiyadhura Pass region. The post is used to monitor the border between India and Nepal.

Question 8

What is the name of the Indian Prime Minister who visited the disputed Kalapani region in May 2020?

(A) Narendra Modi
(B) Manmohan Singh
(C) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(D) Rajiv Gandhi

(A) Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi is the Indian Prime Minister who visited the disputed Kalapani region in May 2020. The visit sparked a diplomatic row between India and Nepal.

Question 9

What is the name of the Nepali Prime Minister who visited the disputed Limpiyadhura Pass region in June 2020?

(A) K.P. Sharma Oli
(B) Sher Bahadur Deuba
(C) Pushpa Kamal Dahal
(D) Girija Prasad Koirala

(A) K.P. Sharma Oli

K.P. Sharma Oli is the Nepali Prime Minister who visited the disputed Limpiyadhura Pass region in June 2020. The visit sparked a diplomatic row between India and Nepal.

Question 10

What is the name of the United Nations Security Council Resolution that

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