Indian National trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH)

Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) is a non-profit organization that works to preserve and promote India’s cultural heritage. INTACH was founded in 1984 by a group of concerned citizens who were alarmed at the state of India’s historical and cultural sites. The organization has since grown to become one of the largest and most respected heritage organizations in India.

INTACH’s work includes a wide range of activities, such as:

  • Surveying and documenting historical and cultural sites
  • Raising awareness about the importance of heritage conservation
  • Providing training and education in heritage conservation
  • Advocating for the protection of heritage sites
  • Carrying out conservation and restoration projects

INTACH has played a key role in the conservation of many of India’s most important heritage sites, including the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, and the Hampi ruins. The organization has also been instrumental in raising awareness about the importance of heritage conservation and in promoting the adoption of sustainable practices in heritage management.

  • History
  • Mission and Vision
  • Chapters and Organisation Structure
  • Activities and Projects
  • Awards and Recognition

History: Established in 1984, INTACH is India’s largest non-profit membership organization dedicated to heritage conservation.

Mission and Vision: INTACH’s mission is to spearhead heritage awareness and conservation efforts across India, encompassing natural, built, and intangible cultural heritage. Their vision is to create a society that values and protects its heritage for future generations.

Chapters and Organisation Structure: INTACH boasts a vast network with over 215 chapters spread across Indian cities, with international chapters in Belgium and the United Kingdom. These chapters function as the backbone of the organization, undertaking grassroots-level conservation initiatives.

Activities and Projects: INTACH’s work encompasses a wide range of activities and projects:

  • Documentation and Heritage Listing: Identification, documentation, and listing of heritage sites and structures across India.
  • Conservation and Restoration: Restoration and rehabilitation of monuments, buildings, and historical sites through traditional and modern techniques.
  • Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns: Raising public awareness about the importance of heritage conservation through educational programs, workshops, and media outreach.
  • Policy Advocacy: Lobbying the government for policies and legislation that support heritage conservation efforts.
  • Skills Training and Capacity Building: Providing training programs for artisans and craftspeople specializing in traditional restoration techniques.
  • Promotion of Heritage Tourism: Promoting responsible tourism that supports heritage sites and communities.

Awards and Recognition: INTACH’s dedication to heritage conservation has garnered them prestigious recognitions:

  • Special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC)
  • Numerous awards from the Government of India and national bodies for their outstanding contributions in the field of heritage conservation.

INTACH is a member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the World Monuments Fund (WMF). The organization has received numerous awards for its work, including the Indira Gandhi Prize for National Integration and the Padma Shri, India’s fourth-highest civilian award.

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What is INTACH?

INTACH is the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage. It is a non-profit organization that works to preserve and promote India’s cultural heritage.

When was INTACH founded?

INTACH was founded in 1984.

Who founded INTACH?

INTACH was founded by a group of concerned citizens who were alarmed at the state of India’s historical and cultural sites.

What does INTACH do?

INTACH works to preserve and promote India’s cultural heritage. This includes surveying and documenting historical and cultural sites, raising awareness about the importance of heritage conservation, providing training and education in heritage conservation, advocating for the protection of heritage sites, and carrying out conservation and restoration projects.

What are some of INTACH’s most important achievements?

INTACH has played a key role in the conservation of many of India’s most important heritage sites, including the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, and the Hampi ruins. The organization has also been instrumental in raising awareness about the importance of heritage conservation and in promoting the adoption of sustainable practices in heritage management.

How can I get involved with INTACH?

There are many ways to get involved with INTACH. You can volunteer your time, donate money, or become a member. You can also learn more about INTACH’s work and get involved by visiting their website at

What is the organization dedicated to the preservation of India’s cultural heritage?

There is an organization in India that focuses on safeguarding the country’s rich cultural heritage.

Who founded an institution aimed at conserving and documenting India’s historical sites and monuments?

An individual or group established an institution to protect and document significant historical sites and monuments in India.

What are some initiatives in India aimed at preserving ancient buildings and heritage sites?

Several initiatives exist in India to safeguard ancient structures and sites of cultural importance.

Which organization is involved in projects related to the restoration and conservation of heritage buildings across India?

An organization plays a crucial role in restoring and conserving heritage structures throughout the country.

Can you name a non-profit organization that works on heritage conservation in India?

There’s a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving heritage in India.

What role do NGOs play in protecting and preserving India’s cultural heritage?

Non-governmental organizations have a significant role in protecting and preserving the cultural heritage of India.

Who is responsible for advocating for the preservation of traditional craftsmanship and architectural styles in India?

There is a group or institution that advocates for the preservation of traditional craftsmanship and architectural styles in India.

Which organization undertakes projects to revitalize and restore historic towns and cities in India?

An organization takes on projects aimed at revitalizing and restoring historic towns and cities across India.

Are there any efforts to raise awareness about the importance of preserving India’s cultural heritage?

Various efforts exist to raise awareness about the significance of preserving India’s cultural heritage.

Who conducts surveys and research to identify structures and sites of historical significance in India?

Surveys and research are conducted by an organization to identify structures and sites of historical significance in India.


Who is involved in initiatives related to the preservation of India’s cultural heritage?

  • A) Government agencies
  • B) International organizations
  • C) Non-profit organizations
  • D) All of the above

Which type of organization is primarily responsible for conserving historical buildings and sites in India?

  • A) Educational institutions
  • B) Religious institutions
  • C) Civil society organizations
  • D) Business corporations

What is the main focus of an entity working on the protection of traditional craftsmanship and architectural heritage in India?

  • A) Environmental conservation
  • B) Economic development
  • C) Cultural preservation
  • D) Political activism

Who undertakes projects aimed at revitalizing and restoring ancient towns and cities across India?

  • A) State governments
  • B) Private investors
  • C) Community groups
  • D) Heritage conservation organizations

What role do NGOs primarily play in safeguarding India’s cultural heritage?

  • A) Advocacy and awareness-raising
  • B) Law enforcement and regulation
  • C) Financial investment and development
  • D) Academic research and documentation

Who conducts surveys and research to identify structures and sites of historical significance in India?

  • A) Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
  • B) Ministry of Culture
  • C) Local municipal corporations
  • D) Historical societies

Which organization is involved in promoting sustainable tourism while preserving cultural heritage sites?

  • B) World Bank
  • C) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • D) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

What is the primary purpose of organizations working on heritage conservation in India?

  • A) Profit generation
  • B) Political advocacy
  • C) Social welfare
  • D) Cultural preservation

Which sector is actively engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects related to heritage conservation in India?

  • A) Manufacturing
  • B) Technology
  • C) Banking and finance
  • D) All of the above

Who collaborates with governmental bodies and local communities to develop policies for the protection of cultural heritage in India?

  • A) International NGOs
  • B) Grassroots organizations
  • C) Academic institutions
  • D) Heritage conservation agencies


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