Indian Council for Cultural Relations

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) is an autonomous organization of the Government of India that promotes cultural relations between India and other countries. It was established in 1950 with the objective of fostering mutual understanding and goodwill between India and other countries through cultural exchange.

The ICCR organizes a wide range of cultural activities, including seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and performances. It also provides scholarships and fellowships to Indian and foreign nationals to study in India and abroad. The ICCR has a network of cultural centers in over 40 countries.

The ICCR has been instrumental in promoting cultural relations between India and other countries. It has helped to build bridges of understanding between different cultures and has contributed to the enrichment of the cultural life of India and the world.


The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) was established in 1950 by the Government of India with the objective of fostering mutual understanding and goodwill between India and other countries through cultural exchange. The ICCR was initially conceived as a part of the Ministry of External Affairs, but it was later made an autonomous organization in 1956.

The ICCR has its headquarters in New Delhi, and it has a network of cultural centers in over 40 countries. The ICCR organizes a wide range of cultural activities, including seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and performances. It also provides scholarships and fellowships to Indian and foreign nationals to study in India and abroad.


The objectives of the ICCR are to:

  • Promote cultural relations between India and other countries
  • Foster mutual understanding and goodwill between India and other countries
  • Enrich the cultural life of India and the world


The ICCR organizes a wide range of cultural activities, including:

  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • Exhibitions
  • Performances

The ICCR also provides scholarships and fellowships to Indian and foreign nationals to study in India and abroad.

Cultural Centers

The ICCR has a network of cultural centers in over 40 countries. These cultural centers organize a variety of cultural activities, including:

  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • Exhibitions
  • Performances

The cultural centers also provide information about India and its culture.

Scholarships and Fellowships

The ICCR provides scholarships and fellowships to Indian and foreign nationals to study in India and abroad. These scholarships and fellowships are available for a variety of programs, including:

  • Undergraduate studies
  • Postgraduate studies
  • Research

The scholarships and fellowships cover the cost of tuition, living expenses, and travel.


The ICCR has been instrumental in promoting cultural relations between India and other countries. It has helped to build bridges of understanding between different cultures and has contributed to the enrichment of the cultural life of India and the world.


What is the ICCR?

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) is an autonomous organization of the Government of India that promotes cultural relations between India and other countries. It was established in 1950 with the objective of fostering mutual understanding and goodwill between India and other countries through cultural exchange.

What are the objectives of the ICCR?

The objectives of the ICCR are to:

  • Promote cultural relations between India and other countries
  • Foster mutual understanding and goodwill between India and other countries
  • Enrich the cultural life of India and the world

What are the activities of the ICCR?

The ICCR organizes a wide range of cultural activities, including:

  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • Exhibitions
  • Performances

The ICCR also provides scholarships and fellowships to Indian and foreign nationals to study in India and abroad.

What are the cultural centers of the ICCR?

The ICCR has a network of cultural centers in over 40 countries. These cultural centers organize a variety of cultural activities, including:

  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • Exhibitions
  • Performances

The cultural centers also provide information about India and its culture.

What are the scholarships and fellowships of the ICCR?

The ICCR provides scholarships and fellowships to Indian and foreign nationals to study in India and abroad. These scholarships and fellowships are available for a variety of programs, including:

  • Undergraduate studies
  • Postgraduate studies
  • Research

The scholarships and fellowships cover the cost of tuition, living expenses, and travel.

What organization promotes cultural exchange globally?

The organization fosters cultural diplomacy and exchange between India and other nations.

Which entity facilitates artistic collaborations between countries?

It aims to enhance mutual understanding through cultural interactions.

What institution sponsors international festivals and exhibitions?

Its initiatives include sponsoring various cultural events to showcase India’s rich heritage.

Which body supports educational exchanges and scholarships for foreign students?

It provides scholarships and facilitates academic exchanges to promote cultural learning.

What organization hosts cultural programs and workshops worldwide?

It conducts cultural programs and workshops to promote global harmony and diversity.

Which entity facilitates cultural tours and exchanges for artists?

It organizes cultural tours and facilitates exchanges to foster cross-cultural appreciation.

What institution promotes Indian art and heritage abroad?

It works to promote Indian art, heritage, and traditions on the international stage.

Which body supports cultural research and publications internationally?

It encourages cultural research and publications to deepen understanding between nations.

What organization encourages language learning and cultural studies worldwide?

It promotes language learning and cultural studies to strengthen international bonds.

Which entity organizes cultural exchange programs for diplomats and officials?

It arranges cultural exchange programs to enhance diplomatic relations between countries.


Which organization aims to promote cultural exchange and diplomacy globally?

  • B) WHO
  • C) IMF
  • D) IAEA

Which entity sponsors international festivals and exhibitions to showcase cultural diversity?

  • A) United Nations
  • B) World Bank
  • C) Red Cross
  • D) Greenpeace

What institution facilitates educational exchanges and scholarships for foreign students?

  • A) World Health Organization
  • B) International Monetary Fund
  • C) Fulbright Program
  • D) World Trade Organization

Which body supports cultural tours and exchanges for artists and performers?

  • A) European Union
  • B) World Economic Forum
  • C) International Olympic Committee

What organization encourages language learning and cultural studies internationally?

  • A) World Bank
  • B) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  • C) International Monetary Fund
  • D) World Trade Organization

Which entity organizes cultural exchange programs for diplomats and officials?

  • A) NATO
  • B) European Union
  • C) United Nations
  • D) ASEAN

What institution promotes research and publications on global cultural heritage?

  • A) Red Cross
  • B) World Health Organization
  • D) World Trade Organization

Which body fosters artistic collaborations and partnerships between countries?

  • A) International Monetary Fund
  • B) World Bank
  • C) European Union

What organization sponsors cultural programs and workshops worldwide?

  • A) World Health Organization
  • B) Greenpeace
  • D) World Trade Organization

Which entity aims to enhance mutual understanding through cultural interactions?

  • A) NATO
  • B) World Economic Forum
  • C) European Union
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